In the beginning God created and it was good
then He made man
walked with him in the Garden
they were buddies, the Creator and the created
But man was not too bright, not happy being in charge of the Garden
he wanted to be equal with the Creator
in this desire original sin was first born
not the eating of the fruit, that came next
There were two trees, their fruits forbidden to man
but the path to equality with God
is thought to be knowledge
it was also in Babel and so is today
So with sin the relationship with the Father was severed
man was condemned to die as penalty
but the Creator loved His creation, dumb though man was
and longed for “oneness” with man
So Jesus was born, Child of God, Son of Mary, divine - human
wise men sought him, still do
foolish-men have always rejected
wanting to be like God themselves
He was born, showed us how we should also live
He died as a result for our sin
He rose from the bonds of the grave
to show us the promise of eternal life
The Christ Child’s crib is the start of the journey of faith
accepting that we are not equal with God
nor better than our fellow man
but friends again, partners in the Garden walk
Jesus, God’s gift to us, born, crucified, and resurrected
what we do with His gift is our gift to Him
to attempt equality with God brings death
to respond to His love, His hand, brings life
Join me in those thrilling days of yesteryear
when man was at peace with himself, his world
when man walked with God
when God looked and saw Creation and said “It is good”
dc riggs 25 December 2008