Why do I have six businesses to more or less give away to qualifying individuals/couples? It is because I believe in what I do and it also fits my being involved in many volunteer activities. I like to help people. Also I have a business that supports me while I do volunteer work and it can benefit others too. I work with a wonderful company, Melalueca, and if you are serious about improving your life, the whole of your life, as well as others I would invite you to take a tour (click here and then on "Get to Know Melaleuca) and look at our Company. As with all Companies, there are those who have negative experiences. These usually come from having over zealous individuals make false claims or paint a "rags to riches" dream. The latter happens, but not for everyone. Like anything else you get what you work for and some people have a poor work ethic. We do offer the best compenation plan that I have found and the products are awesome.

Before you close the door, take the tour, write down questions, and ask me. I'll give you answers or find them for you, but I won't push you into the business. I have been very happy with the Company over the years and am looking forward to many more. I hope to talk with about it in the near future.
