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Twin Oak Art
10 or 25% For A Referral
I have many friends who will refer this site to others, simply because they are my friends. I appreciate that. However, I know that they, just like I do, have bills to pay and it seems to take money to eat, etc. They may also refer my page to others who do not know me. Those people may be able to refer me to someone else.

This is my intention. If a person, friend, foe, or stranger refers me to someone who makes a purchase from me, I intend to send them 10% of the purchase price (this does not include the non-refundable deposit on art being created, because that is just covering a few of my expenses). All I ask is that the person ordering the print or work to be created email me the name of the referring person and their contact information. This seems to be the simplest and fairest way to work with this situation.

CHURCHES or NON-PROFIT GROUPS work a little different. Their percentage is 25% and I ask that buyer give that percentage to the Church or NPG, so they get the tax deduction. I will send the painting upon receipt my portion of the payment.

There may come a day when I will turn over the business end of things to someone else and this may change a bit. I do not see that happening anytime soon. Right now I am doing it all myself and trusting others to be fair with me.

Thank you for taking time to browse through Twin Oak Art. I hope that all in your life is filled with laughter, peace, and God's blessings.

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