copyright  DC Riggs  September 2005

Fragrance, beauty, fragrance
scent has a message
to touch
the mind and the heart
of those
not far apart
for in the human sphere
the communication of smell
creates atmosphere
joy, love, peace
it is a place to start
a relationship
all senses to massage
ah fragrance, beauty, fragrance.
dc riggs © 2 September 05

    "Holding the Fort"

Sorry, I didn't hold the dear fort
give me no praise
any testimonial
please choose to quickly abort.

Larceny is not part of my tale
I made my sign
worded with care
it read: "This Fort Is For Sale!"

But from compass points came
no one, not
a single nibble
from a person desiring fame.

I watched and I truly debated
on opportunity
but none came
perhaps for poverty I am fated.

But to you I'll lift my glass
empty it be
and to the fort
I'd trade it for my pretty lass.
dc riggs © 8 September 05

    On September Eleventh"

Hijacked death fell from the sky
9-11 tragedy
death is destruction's vapor trail
tears of anguish
the cry of Oh God! Oh My!

A morning pure horror, days of woe
invisible enemy
but we are not a people frail
we take the fight straight to our foe!

A strong Nation of faith we use to be
somewhere inside still are
success driven, no intent to fail
rising to the occasion
for human need, freedom, and liberty.

Now in Hurricane Katrina's deadly wake
we help, we remember
we write our nation's tale
of resoluteness
war or disaster, for humanity's sake.

We lose not faith with those dead
victims, soldiers, families
though we tire of death's solemn veil
may we walk with courage
making true the inspiring words said.
dc riggs © 11 September 05

         "A Day's Course"

Backs, bare skin, snuggly fitting
a night's rest
morning coffee with a kiss
would start a day
with joy
within a life of bliss.

Feet rubbing, under the table
at noon day's sun
a time, a meal, shared together
give substance
to the day
no matter what the weather.

High tea, scones set the tone
a day half done
two lives enjoying each other
a loving kiss
a Wow!
enable life to move on further.

Night time of love, backs united
sleep comes again
with love's special brand of peace
the right her
right him
may love like this never cease.
dc riggs © 15 September 05

         "Who Was I Today"

I hope that I was not myself today
but don't know
who it was that I was
but I didn't care
much for the chap
hoping he is not an "is"
but truly a "was".

Today I did a lot of choosing
but then this I do
nearly every single day
but most of the time
I chose wrong
which affected both
my work and my play.

Who was I? Why was I?
tomorrow I wonder
who I might be
a clown? a bumbling fool?
a sincere soul?
same name, same face
could I become someone cool?

I have been asked before
"who are you"
perhaps someone of importance?
"No" I simply reply
just danny
more than a "was", I am an "is"
just waiting for my partner to dance.
dc riggs © 20 September 05

       "Fleeing Hurricane Rita"

She is and adult now twenty and four
a long way from home
the winds
of change and destruction
bearing down
so inch by inch, by foot
north she drives
escaping to home, escaping to safety.

Love is prayer's solid core
Help her Lord to home's safe door.

Their are no options to explore
bumper to bumper
escaping wind and sea
north, to family and friends
grant her gas
dear God of Heaven and the Earth
simple requests, and
peace to those who in love worry

Memories she is making and more
she is an adult now twenty and four.
dc riggs © 21 September 05

          "The Heart"

So weeps the very lonely heart
at breaking of day
pity hearts are made of stuff
brittle as the dried clay.

Listen, to the contrite heart
hear with heart's ears
the simple sobs
that hold back a dam of tears.

See, if you can, a hopeful heart
waiting, waiting
for the voice of love
hoping that for them she is calling.

Know the peace of a loved heart
who is never alone
for the one who loves them
is close, even if only by phone.

Study the heart, know its ways
love, laugh, enjoy each of your days.
dc riggs © 28 September 2005