copyright dc riggs 2007 all right reserved
   "Tramp or Hobo"

He had a bit of beard
seeped from his pores
his eyes held
a special twinkle
but he didn't suppose
that he could hide
behind his big red nose.

Call him a tramp, a hobo
he is a clown in the know.

Charlie, Emmett, or Freddie
names of fame
touching so many hearts
belly-deep laughs
blended with a gentle sad
and you have a tramp
clowning around
bringing joy as if a fancy lamp.

Call him a tramp, a hobo
as he brings to life, a special glow.
dc riggs © 2 October 2007


Sunday's dawn
Holy day, worship the Son
with word and note
spoken, written, and sung
from inner depths
of heart and of mind
blessed are those who seek
for they will also find.

Created man, by Him above
to walk with Him who is true Love.

Sunday's worship
a time to study and praise
reflect on the week now past
forgive and become
one who is truly forgiven
by the Father and by one's self
let the heart hear
to the Spirit not be deaf.

Created man, by Him above
to walk with Him who is true Love.

Sunday's noon
a time to enjoy the Father's peace
renew the joys of morning
when with His children
His followers
you shared your heart
finding unity
that Satan would prefer to be apart.

Created man, by Him above
to walk with Him who is true Love.

Sunday's evening
we prepare for a night of rest
the sum of day's blessings
preparation for the week to come
laughter, tears, fears, and joys
raising our hand to God
who holds it gently in His own
as we the path of life trod.

Created man, by Him above
to walk with Him who is true Love.
dc riggs © 7 October 2007

   "Fungus Farm"

Molly's fungus farm
our business
is truly mushrooming
for life moves
beyond the toadstool
for the non-frog
and a day is made better
with bits and pieces
sauted  with sweet onion
tomato, a green pepper
folded into the center
of an omlett with cheese
so today buy your mushroom
I humbly ask you, "Please".
dc riggs © 8 October 2007

Stepping Back, Stepping Forward"

If I could but step back in time
to relive that which was lived before
to make new decisions
ah, but then
I'd just make new mistakes
this is not a movie
that has within many takes.

My children would not be themselves
Oh! how I would miss them!
but if I were given a second chance
a better parent I would be
or would I?
the bottom line truth
is beyond the scope of my eye.

A decade will soon become past
as many others have done
and then as now
I will look back, review, wonder
with applause and regret
at decisions made, not made
about such I should not worry, fret.

My hand I place in God's strong one
up mountains, down valley's
even the one of Death's own shadow
I will walk with Him
with family, with friends, with hope
anchored by faith
on the road called life, twisting as a rope.
dc riggs © 9 October 2007
   "To Get Out of Bed"

I made sure I had a reason
to get out of bed
a purpose for which to live
a day when
to other's I'd freely give.

The alarm broke night's quiet
a harsh sound
that should be outlawed
according to the laws of man
by its clatter I am not awed.

My head was a hurting, spinning
oh, my back did ache
my eyes felt as if they were red
"Death warmed over?"
Nay, that would speak ill of the dead.

This morning I had a reason
to get out of my bed
in hopes of waking fresh, festive
the reason was not enough
to get out of bed, so the day begins
as with heating pad and ice-pack I live.
dc riggs  © 10 October 2007

Lethargy, in the blood
sluggish as a snail
body and mind
an enemy of daily life
bringing death
to dreams
O' that pulsing a glow
might inhabit
the deeper parts of inside
bubbling, flowing
filling the body with energy
revitalizing the mind
waking the senses
that creativity might flourish
as the crippling lethargy
loses the evil it had crafted.
dc riggs ©  12 October 2007

    "When A Dad Is Gone"

Memories, of a dad now gone
the tall man
with the small child
of days long gone bye.

Love, wants, hopes, losses
tears flow
for many reasons
not understood
it's just a need to cry.

Illness, decline, body's warnings
sands of life
through the glass flowing
running out
calling for the last goodbye.

Prayers, food, kind words
spoken to grief
the rituals follow death
marking community
amid mental questions of "Why".

The death of a dad, sadness
the mortality of man
a reality
the Lord's own turn to Him
in love His Spirit to them draws nigh.
dc riggs © 12 October 2007

      "Yes to Blessings"

Yes, I have been blessed
in so many ways
thank You
my Father, Creator
now let me
become a blessing
to someone
perhaps who is hungry
poor, lonely
lost and/or confused
those lacking laughter
by life not amused.

I look up to the stars
seeing Your handiwork
vast, marvelous
I look down at a leaf
at the delicate minutia
seeing Your intricate design
with amazement and awe
putting aside
my envy at not being able
to do the same
as I embrace loving and giving
rather than to kill or maim.

You have blessed my life
my physical body
my emotions
all that I am, will ever be
You have cared for
though I have been calloused
ignoring Your love
Your blessings
forgive me my ignorance
my arrogance, my dark sinfulness
let me walk in Your light
Jesus Christ, the ultimate blessedness.

I praise Your Name with my soul
when I am young, in-between, and old.
dc riggs © 16 October 2007


We each have our memories
of days gone by
the years
slip so quickly
leaving us with a sigh.

Friends of youth grow older
never a compliment
middle age
a bold face reality, yet once
just an ancient pronouncement.

The sands of time flow
through life's glass
we cannot change the pace
hard as we might try
the years continue to pass.

So, my friend with pen and ink
cyber-letters and such
reach out to lost friends
move forward, but remember
and with life, never lose touch.
dc riggs © 26 October 2007