COPYRIGHT DC Riggs  October 2005
     "Boots Off, Dreams"

Boots off, feet toward the fire
cowboy dreams
of his lady fair
a delight to hold
to kiss
better than his horse
of course
for she is a pretty Miss
and he is alone
with the exception of stars
and moon
his horse and dreams
but he'd croon
to win her lovely hand
he can't sing
but he loves the lady
so he only dreams
boots off, feet to the fire.
dc riggs © 9 October 05

        "Life, God's Plan"

The foot moves forward
though in truth
it doesn't know where to go
the eyes look
toward the future
yet the past is the only show
a life moves to tomorrow
despite the barriers
that seek to limit the flow.

Life often makes no sense to man
but there is somewhere, God's plan.

A snail creeps or oozes a bit
making progress
oblivious to any type of race
mankind is determined
to run like a rabbit
but who is in control of the pace?
why is he so afraid
to stop to smell the flowers
to enjoy the virtues of mercy and grace?

Life often makes no sense to man
but there is somewhere, God's plan.

The heart pumps blood
and for love
its intangible side forever yearns
the imagination, ever active
ponders at rapid rate
indigestion metaphorically churns
and man works harder
not knowing that a divine gift
is not something he earns.

Life often makes no sense to man
but there is somewhere, God's plan.
dc riggs © 16 October 05

   "The Road I Chose"

I took a road
it ran from here to there
it was wide and free
no toll, no fare
and on this pathway
so nice and fair
I met a friend to travel with
a nice chap
and the journey we did share
until we came
to a fork in the road
and he chose
the easier and secure looking path
while I chose the one of faith
I asked him to join me
he called me a toad
and skipped along with a song
while I went my way
and found
the throne of God
why did he go so wrong?
I do not know
but his path ended, so I heard
in a landslide
that went down and down
into the earth below
and turned his once nice smile
into an agonizing frown
and so it was
when to this life I was born
I took a path
as I went from here to there
along this well traveled road.
dc riggs © 17 October 05

      "Cut Down In His Prime"                   

Who cried at his untimely death?
who cared?
just a corpse in a mask
was it because he was bad?
and was he?
no one bothered to ask
would they have done the same
to the Lone Ranger?
who will mourn that he his gone?
friends? relatives?
probably not me the stranger
for I will not sing his song
death is married to life
just as much
as peace and joy
are at least tinged with strife
so it was, it is
with his passing
cut down in his prime
for he was just a coon
crossing the road at the wrong time.
dc riggs © 19 October 05

  "The Mask of Death"

Bad? Maybe, Dead? Yes!
was it the mask?
that brought his life to an end
like a dropped and shattered flask
he was eliminated
from the land of the living
the question is why
and why him?
the Lone Ranger proved
goodness and evil
aren't a matter of a face revealed
you can be a cool dude
face well hidden
fighting for right's own sake
but this was not the reason
he was cut down in his prime
quickly, without malice
he was just a coon
crossing a road at the wrong time
so if anyone should ask
things don't always work out
for the best
to the ones wearing a mask.
dc riggs © 19 October 05

   "From the Shadows Write"

My love she moves as she must
from here to there
doing her work
giving to those in need her care
and for her I pray
for unto our Lord I say
"Bless her, protect her, give her joy"
as I stand far away
in life's quite shadows.

Distance is a blessing of sorts
said the faithful
who lived far from the Tzar
in his direction they fear to amble
distance can be much worse
in love a curse
when one cannot touch, feel
a pity that I stand far away
in life's quite shadows.

The life of a shadow I learned
and in time did ponder
why we say with a smile
that the heart becomes fonder
but nearness is beyond my control
though my love I would hold
she loves me, this must be enough
as I stand far away
in life's quite shadows.
dc riggs © 21 October 05