November is not over & this page will be updated as often as possible.
copyright  dc riggs November 2006 all rights reserved
     "When Is She Coming"

You ask when Barbara will be in?
she started out
before the break of day
but then had to pause
for the Saint’s she took time to pray.

‘Is to be in later a type of sin?
the plea of the coffee bean
reached her ears
touched a place in her heart
she could not leave a bean in tears.

So with prayer and coffee she did begin?
good things, and enjoyable to do
and to her office almost did fly
but the printed page of the newspaper
happen to catch her eye.

Alas and Alack, is to beginning there an end?
don’t worry, never fear
she will soon join the workplace den
prayer, coffee, and paper done
she called to say she’d be in around ten.
dc riggs  1 Nov 2006

           “Brevity of Life”

Life is too short to be serious
though that too
has its place
and realists need to know
laughter does not mark the end
of the human race.

Life is too much fun to be short
what little say we have
as to when comes life’s end
but we must amuse God
or our lives would not exceed
by much our birth, when life did begin.

Sunshine, rainbows, and lollipops
the last a bit sticky
all add to life’s enjoyment
do these bring delight to you?
the sourpuss cannot understand
his happiness gene being sadly impotent.

The long, the short, the happy, the serious
life is what we make it
and in our making
others we often influence
positive, negative, we decide
individuals form community, in life partaking.
dc riggs  1 Nov 2006


The green of the world
Ireland's claim
is the grandest thing
and sure
they have each hue
that's why to green I'm true.

Green is part of nature's swirl
a kaleidoscope
that makes the heart ring
grass, plants
even a bit of mold
green's beauty in all does unfold.

Wear green, grown boy, girl
with a bit of pride
be not afraid to joyfully sing
man or frog
for life is worth the living
green says "life" this I'm believing.
dc rigs  5 Nov 06

   "Of Man and Tree"

The tree, lonely tree
bare of leaves
naked in the wind
it sways
but does not bend.

Rooted, but not free
firm in the earth
not a sapling young
but aged
of bards is it sung?

So what is it to be?
to be rooted
of what is destiny of man
alone, companioned
rooted or roaming as he can?

Man, more than a tree
of earth, heaven
of the Father Himself, our God
in Jesus the Christ
who died for us shaped from sod.
dc riggs 9 Nov 06

    "Late and Early"

I'm up early every morning
dumb the dumb
before the crack of dawn
for it's late to bed
early to rise
that brings the yawn.

A movie? a book? YES!
to both I confess
a book
and then a prayer
before sleep
is my way
to change, I do not dare.

Morning emails, prayer
medications, coffee
the start of the new day
unless the night before
you stayed up late to play.
dc riggs  10 Nov 06


It was the hour of pre-dawn
black was the sky
my still tired eyes
as I flipped
the electrical switch
turning on artificial light
which made a dark room bright.

The Book, Holy Words opened
verses read, reread
my half-awake soul
Holy Spirit's divine power
Father directed
spoke to what I saw by sight
filling me with pure delight.

Comes then dawn's bright sun
breaking through dark
night's restrictive
as did God's own Son
Jesus! living Word
who put death and dark to flight
that we may live in His light.
dc riggs  10 Nov 06

  "Remember the Fallen"

Remember the fallen
the Veteran
the living and the dead
leaders, followers
uniforms of different hue
but to our Flags brilliant colors
they always were true.

Remember the fallen
those who served
and lived
visible, invisible scars
body and mind
they served, some died
so that freedom we might find.

Remember the fallen
some in peace have died
they wrote in history's book
with sweat, blood
and tear
so let us continue to serve
despite the cost, despite our fear.
dc riggs  11 Nov 06

     "Mother, Mum, Mom"
    In Honor of Mrs. Lewis

Call her Mother, Mum, or Mom
a woman once born
in her turn
giving birth, life
to God's precious children
who carry on the cycle
becoming a dad
or becoming a Mom.

Whether she be Mother, Mum, Mom
her love is felt
within the heart and life
of each child
giving guidance
quelling or confronting strife
pointing toward God
facing crisis, often with aplomb.

As sure as there are lines in a palm
life runs its course
birth to death
for grief is part of living
a reflection
of what has been given
not always enjoyed, appreciated
or understood, in life's personal maelstrom.

At times a General, at times a Noncom
a doctor, counselor, holder
with loving arms
a listening ear, loving heart
lecturer, teacher, friend
many roles for one woman
but each she does to ability's best
she is a Mother, a Mum, a Mom.
dc riggs  13 November 2006

   "Morning into Being"

Morning creeps into being
dawn's rays of light
one by one
in two's, three's
turn the night's black
into gray
dark, lighter, lightest
until it is bright
a new day
full of hope
blessings, callings
as the earth and heavens
celebrate a day's birth
joy or blight
a morning, a day with meaning.
dc riggs  18 Nov 06

  A Tribute to Floyd Holden”
     10 Dec 1916 - 17 Nov 2006

A baby, a child, a man
husband, father
a military man, a Scout
a leader
a man of worship
of prayer
a man of caring
not afraid to share
a man who
of his own free will chose
to hold the hand
the heart
of Bea
who with his other
heart’s hand
held firm to God’s own
through Jesus
the Christ, his Friend, His Savior
His Lord
a man who lived his life
a well lived life
has now gone walking with God
leaving for the moment
his loved ones
and a well used body
returned to the eartly sod.
dc riggs  24 Nov 2006

         "Simple Blanket"

Lord said the Indian in prayer
I would communicate
with those
who are far away
but my blanket has a hole
and the smoke signal
is dismal
and then God replied
at least you have
a blanket
wood, and the gift
of fire
my wanting child
if I gave you email, cell phone
or the like
would you not want quicker
surer, clearer?
and the Indian wrapped
himself in the blanket's warmth
and continued
with a more grateful prayer.
dc riggs  22 Nov 2006