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copyright DC Riggs November 2005
COPYRIGHT  DC Riggs November 2005
    "On A November Day

I walked along on a November Day
thought of parents
before my birth
on their wedding day
as I miss them
but I cherish the memories.

I walked where lovers walk
coffee and ice cream
call from the side
and a desire to sit and talk
but I am alone
still cherishing the memories.

I saw the then when it was future
dreams and money
invested with grand hope
for my losses there was no cure
and what might have been
never became realized memories.

I saw tomorrow's hope rise up
and my spirits did soar
expectations become blotted
shattering the tattered cup
so today became
another to add to the memories.
dc riggs  3 November 2005

    "Where There Is No Vision"

Where there is no vision
the people perish
where there is no hope
persons perish
for at the end of your rope
the arms grow tired
and the voices
that cry from below
say, "Let Go"
but what of the Voice
above all voices
what does He have to say?
trust me My child
the powers of earth
can destroy
all earthly existence
but they cannot
destroy your soul
for by My Son's blood
and your acceptance
you belong to Me
so be bold
walk with what faith you have
shed your tears
but give not into your fears
I will be your hope
I, the Lord God, will be your vision.
dc riggs  9 Nov 05

     "Did He to Her Pooh"

She reached out and touched
a man who was lonely
she reached out
and touched
a man who was blue
she reached out
and made a difference
in his life
a simple man, a bumbling Pooh.

Her glimmer did cross his sky
where darkness reigned
at a terrible cost
until she came
took his trembling hand
the hand of a man lost
leading him to love's own path
despite the strife
for she loved her man Pooh.

Life is full of twists and bends
complications, demands
yet love
has the capacity to endure
to right the wrong
as God guides from above
giving hope, peace
to daily life
this He did, through her to Pooh.
dc riggs  19 Nov 2005