"A Vocal Touch"

Alone, Alone, often not fun
but some are
and remain
very alone when day is done.

The heart, the heavy heart
the lover's one
of despair
when from love is apart.

Yet, sometimes a blessing
is given by God
not toying
nor the man testing.

As through the magic phone
cell or land line clear
her voice
dispels the feeling of "alone."

A voice can be the value of gold
to one in love's snare
inspiring, helping one be bold.

'Tis the magic of the touch
a her gives a him
a blessing
that he treasures very much.
dc riggs © 1 November 2004


Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!
go, go, go
Vote! Vote! Vote!
it isn't a matter
of what floats your boat
but our Nation's
is shaped when we vote!

Rote? Rote? Rote? Rote?
turncoat? turncoat?
SS: Steam-less Steamboat!
a mindless waste
where issues don't matter
Party not candidate
poor choice
when we simply vote from rote.

Wrote! Wrote! Wrote! Wrote!
what do we promote?
by example and by deed
leadership belongs to the person
who studies the issue
then goes out and places their vote!

Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!
a heart and headnote
a citizen's duty
to make a little voice count
so don't be silent
or ignorant
go forth my friend, cast your vote!
dc riggs © 2 November 2004

  "Love, More Than Passion"

Love is not all passion and bliss
the exciting moment
the long drawn out kiss
it's two lives together
living the moment
hand in hand
no matter the weather
in the dark of night
facing the foe
goblins or dust bunny
the unknown bump
or by the dancing firelight
snuggling, cuddling
reading together
times of prayer
sharing thoughts
two minds a wandering
and when one is ill
caring, giving
meeting simple needs
even with a pill
the pains of life not to dismiss
but in common living
love is found, as is passion and bliss.
dc riggs  © 3 November 2004

   "Morning is for Lovers"

Good morning I told my love
for the night
was not in the past
and dawn
kissed her cheek
the same
did I
and her lips as well
it rung my heart's bell.

Morning beginnings, rather slow
when each to the other
do gently wake
no rush
to go anywhere
each enjoys the other
no need to gallop, just plod
for the moment is a gift of God.

Birds chirp, to greet the day
or is it a fowl belch
worm inspired
do we ever wonder?
the grouch calls it dumb
lovers however know
it is celebration of the dawn
while the bored, simply yawn.

Morning breaks, it always has
since Creation began
with freshness
to those who believe
in the magic of love and life
gently is love shared
a kiss, embrace, coffee, tea
always love me, is the heart's plea.
dc riggs  © 4 November 2004

  "Man and Pooka"

He was not old, not young
in the realm of in-between
eyes of blue
seemed a sad hue
but I am not one who can tell.

They spoke of love, now gone
once at least
that had is heart on fire
love that fed
both heart and head
bringing joy to his life.

Alone he sat, or so I thought
little knowing
he had a pooka at his side
a friend
perhaps to keep to life's end
a mischievous bit of non-reality.

We talked of weather and things
nothing great, just small
life, love, little things
of hurts past
his silence did last
great was the gulf in his heart.

I left him there, under the trees
lost in his thoughts
of past or future I know not
to his "friend" talking
at least he was not sulking
maybe broken hearts have hope.
dc riggs  © 5 November 2004

              "I Pray"

In the morning, with the sun
I will lift my heart's voice
to  You my Lord
my God
with praise for Your Holiness
with thanksgiving
for Your Love
I will pray for those
I love
healing, peace, and joy
I will pray
for friends, strangers
I will pray
for my Nation, President
for men and women
uniformed and serving
in harm's way
for all of these I will pray
not as one righteous
but a sinner saved by grace
who seeks but the smile
from Your Face
and answers, help, aide
for miracles
for all these for whom I pray
in Jesus Name, Amen!
Amen! and from my heart, Amen!
dc riggs © 4 November 2004

   "For My Love"

I prayed for my love
in her time
of stress and strife
I prayed
for the best of life.

I wrote a letter my love
used a stamp
expressing in words
my love
forward and backwards.

I drew my love a picture
best as I could
for lovely she is
giving my life
her unique type of fizz.

I called my love, missed her
but left a message
my concerns for her to share
for in my heart
for her I will always care.

Dear God, bless my love
she may be
for her peace and joy
I lift to you my heartfelt plea.
dc riggs © 6 November 2004

   "Remembering When"

I remember when
love was alive
humming in the wind
the anguish when she said
"this is the end."

I remember when
the flowers
the smell of grass so green
love was in the air
everything was fresh, clean.

I remember when
life crashed
a blow to heart and head
she crushed me
good feelings became dead.

I remember when
became my refuge
as I drowned in pain, hurt
as if Noah's deluge.

I remember when
my true love
I found in Civil War history
our lives first meshed
love became light and airy.

I remember when
do you?
when love did begin
fresh and new
do you remember when?
dc riggs  © 8 November 2004

     "Salute the Doughboy"

He came from the city
and from the farm
God gave him two feet
the Army issued him boots
with names, "Left" and "Right"
then sent this Doughboy far
they sent him off to fight a war.

For some of these young men
the names meant little
and so marching was a chore
so "hay foot" "straw foot"
got the marching done
then sent this Doughboy far
they sent him off to fight a war.

The training time passed quickly
and soon we had an Army
Will Rogers quipped
that we taught them to march
only one way, forward
then sent this Doughboy far
they sent him off to fight a war.

In the trenches he fought, died
mustard gas and tanks
the machine gun's blast
fighting on a foreign soil
to keep his homeland free
then sent this Doughboy far
they sent him off to fight a war.

The Doughboy is now of the past
modern men still train, fight
and die on foreign soil
weapons that make the skin crawl
conventional, nuclear, or biological
then send these soldiers far
they send them off to fight a war.
dc riggs © 9 November 2004

     "Good Morning"

Good morning my love
hugs and kisses
to you
prayers too
when you need me
I am here
for a smile
or to kiss away a tear
my heart
dear love is yours
for my love
deep within endures
filling me
and overflowing
and though
there may come strife
I thank God
for your blessing
of my life
night is past
dawn has become
kiss me darling
as into God's loving hands
our fears, hopes, dreams
this day's realities
we in faith do humbly cast
good morning Lord
good morning my dear love.
dc riggs © 11 November 2004

  "The War We Won But Lost"

The war we thought we won
we really lost
although the paper signed
said the war was done
and many
a doughboy widow cried
as the world
with relief
tiredly sighed
and foreign policy
became self absorbed
as victory dances
turned attention to tomorrow
with hope of prosperity
ushering in the age
of bathtub gin
a chicken in each pot
but the enemy
had only the sorrow
of inflation and collapse
a vacuum filled
all too soon by evil
while for the far away victors
dust bowl depression
became many's tearful lot
and war followed
though the paper was signed
we may have lost
the war we thought we won.
dc riggs © 11 November

     "Freedom's Price"

She cried, she cried, he died
would the tears
never stop!
would her love ever go?
why did her fears
come to this bitter end?

His laugh, the twinkle in his eye
put one in her heart
his love
was so sincere
right from the very start
a love that would long endure.

War! War! Thorn to wives, mothers!
yet evil does exist
and often faced with might
courage, determination
not all who resist
are mongers of destruction.

But why did he have to go?
why did he die?
didn't their God care?
questions, questions everywhere
where was truth? the lie?
but she knew where were the tears.

The farm, the city, either one is fine
but a Doughboy
he became, and one he died
left on foreign soil
as if he were but history's toy
and again, she cried.

Freedom is bought with a price
heroes who gave their life
the few for the many
Cavalry Blue, Doughboy, GI
to defeat evil's goal of strife
sacrifice is Freedom's bloody price
dc riggs © 11 November 2004

     "Depression and Joy"

I move it seems at times
mountain joy
and the depressing dumps
it is as much fun
as having the mumps.

Am I a fool, perhaps not?
despite what others may say
so for mountain joy
I must confess
is something kin
to having a brand new toy.

I don't mean to be crude
that is not the intent
of this old boy
but three words change all
"I Love You"
sincerely said, not coy.

Important words, used by God
available to us
for me there is a certain voice
that rings true and dear
depression dispelling
for she is my heart's own choice.
dc riggs © 13 November 2004

   "P's and Q's and Love"

Better mind your P's and Q's
many a mother said
but does it mean
proper and polite?
does it bring to one delight?

The saying goes to older times
when type was set
by hand
and the letters went just so
as if an important stitch to sew.

Backwards they were, are?
and reversed
by purpose or accident
look quite the same
but Oh the change to a name!

Thus perhaps the "q" requires
a "u" to make it tame
or a "w" for its glue
while the "p"
is allowed to be more free.

A letter is a letter, but a word
has meaning
spell love as evol
though it is deranged
the love in the heart is not strange.

So mind your P's and Q's
avoid confusion
and say "evol" with a smile
from your heart
if from your love you are apart.
dc riggs © 13 November 2004
    "Coffee for Two for One"

Coffee meant for two is but for one
on a morning
made for a special two
refills not counting
the other cup's owner is missing
this is a statement true
the owner is you.

Somewhere the sun is rising
bringing forth
the day's fresh new light
but here is darkness
if I had a candle
in my window it would be bright
I'd put it there for you.

But I have not a candle
to burn bright
except the one in my heart
and for you it burns
terribly bright
even when we are apart
what else can it do?

God made daylight and dark
the earth and sea
the sky high above
He made me and you
brought our cups together
in the bonds of love
this darling is sure and true.

So I drink my coffee alone
Juan and his burro
I salute, smile, then drink
here's to days that once were
to those that yet will be
for our love is more than an "I think"
and this morning, I'm missing you.
dc riggs © 16 November 2004

   "In the Land Called Oklahoma"

The territory was called Oklahoma
meaning land of the red man
and was theirs
until the land greedy
wanted it
not back for one cannot
have back
what one did not first possess
but mankind
always wants more
not less
be it calories or land
as Lot might have said
Uncle Abraham
I will take the best land
with the water
so also did the white man
in the territory called Oklahoma.
dc riggs  © 17 November 2004

      "For My Sherry"

I know not what historical date
is folded into this day
in truth
I do not really care
for my dear
my darling daughter
it was on this day that you
lovely Sherry
did first
to the light of day appear
and I held you
in my arms
telling you of my love
which had been
the whole of the time
before your birth
and I wondered what mark
you would make
upon this old earth
and your mark you are making
with Jon, Shannon
and Patrick too
is continuing my sweetheart
even as the mark
you are still making
in my heart
so on your birthday
I send you daddy's love
by email on time
otherwise, I'd again be late.
dc riggs  © 17 November 2004

    "My Love's Kiss"

My love sent a kiss
like an arrow
in flight
it came straight
into my heart
but never broke the skin
for arrows of love
never wound
going in
only when pulled out
then the victim
is depressed
and in anguish does shout!
but my love's went
deep within
there it does dwell
keeping my lifeblood
safe and secure
for if she loves me
then many other things
do not matter
for God is my center
my all
and she His companion
and has a place
in my heart as well
O' the power
that is found in a kiss.
dc riggs  © 17 November 2004

      "For the Corbin Family"

I lift my voice in prayer O' Lord
for a young woman
that I do not know
but she is Your child Lord
her You know well
and you agree with mom and dad
that she is something swell.

Robert and Becky Corbin are worthy
dear Lord above
of Your healing miracle
to take place
within their daughter's life
for You are life's healing's author
and You bring peace and not strife.

Cancer, tumors, nasty and vile
words that bring terror
into realms
beyond the understanding
of the human soul
and we quake
for who are we to be bold?

Grant not only Your healing touch
Lord God, our Creator
but bring redemption to many
through the fear and pain
restore this young life so vibrant
restore to all their faith
for Christianity is more than a chant.

Hand in hand with You dear Father
let Robert, Beth, and their child
walk with confidence
whatever to them may fall
for through each valley so dark
fears run wild, but You bring peace
the melody of the lark.
dc riggs  © 18 November 2004

    "Kissing's Activity"

Kissing, an activity? maybe so
to say to someone
I like you
I love you or I care
so the kiss
is a personal way to share.

Some people peck a bit
like a human bird
it happens
but no nourishment
maybe a smile
but is better than banishment.

Some lips are rock hard
no passion there
I wonder
if it reflects the heart as well
others are soft
giving a feeling that's swell.

Some like to play tongues
French passion?
as if bodies joined
personal, intimate, close
lost in each other
do they enjoy the moment most?

Some kiss for general pleasure
for a pleasure it should be
which kiss is best?
between two lovers is
love shared
and it gives life tremendous fizz.

Kissing, an activity? maybe, but no
the more intimate the kiss
lives joined at the lips
are for those joined at the heart
and remember the kiss
even when they are far apart.
dc riggs  © 18 November 2004

  "Have I Said Today"

Have I told you today
that I love you?
I do my dear
for 'tis your voice
that my heart
does cheer
when you I hear
for your love
warms me
fulfills me, inspires
when with you
I find
all my heart desires
fame, and fortune
I would abandon, deny
for God's love
and yours
but what I cannot
with my feeble mind
is your love for me
but know
'tis a statement true
"I Love You"
let me say it to you this day.
dc riggs  © 19 November 2004

   "To Love Again"

A broken heart? broken?
and from possible love
I hid and hid
for the longest time
I hid
and oh the waste of time
energy, opportunity
for nothing
since hiding helps no one
but trusting
risking hurt again
lends to possibilities realm
a healing balm
it was not the last time
that I would be hurt
and I sadly
would hurt others
in future times
so now the memory alone
remains, not the pain
for I learned
that love is possible again
and for the wounded
heart and soul
that is a delightful gain.
dc riggs  © 19 November 2004

       "Made for You"

Along the narrow corridors
of my heart
there runs blood
this is true
but is this not where dwells
my dear
my love for you?

The ear has it's canal they say
where sound plays
to say "I Love You" dear
so fine, so delicate
they catch the unseen
in sound
love has a sure market.

The eyes, many colors, hue
windows to the world
to your beauty
which inspires my very soul
to embrace, cherish
you my dear
whom I long to hold.

My nose, created for smell
your scent
drives me wild
the pounding of my heart
when you are near
the ache
when we are far apart.

Thank you Lord for my love
who cherishes me
as well
for she is my healing balm
when my world
is askew
she brings peace, and calm.
dc riggs  © 20 November 2004

    "From Her Heart"

I took a nap and I awoke
with my lover's name
in my throat
and a pleasant feeling
within my heart.

Dreams? Nay, I had none
but I must have had fun
she was at the end
and probably at the start.

Sometime reality is
but as a dream
full of love's great fizz
and with her
I play many a part.

Lover, friend, the cavalier
slayer of dragons
from danger, the deliverer
he who makes sweet
her life, so that it is not tart.

It matters not that I am broke
her love for me
the language she spoke
was one of love
and came from her heart.
dc riggs  © 19 November 2004

  "Once Was A Cowboy"

There was a cowboy
rode the trail
met a gal in St. Louis town
she caught his eye
and amazing enough
he did hers
and she liked his stuff
he had his wages
and she
was his delight
but a slicker feller
came along
a drummer sharp
but also a bit yeller
they both courted her
for all they were worth
but the drummer
had the cowboy locked up
a very weak charge
and the lady
was left rather ignorant
and in the lurch
when jail time was spent
the cowboy was broke
but he still had his saddle
and his horse of course
and set his sights
on wide prairie space
where he could cry while
the coyote lonely
did howl
all he wanted was love
pure and simple
but fate
turned the western prince
into a frog
and he rode away
just a leather worn cowboy.
dc riggs  © 22 November 2004
     "Cowboy Dreams"

Feeling the agony of defeat
a man in the saddle
who owned
no cattle
rode west to the setting sun
where civilization ended
and a new world
was begun
campfire food and coffee
a canopy of stars
high up
over his head
and dreams, dreams
not of broncos
windstorms, and floods
but of a pretty lady
a fireplace
where he'd feel at home
loved, cared for
so he dozed
for dawn would come
with the sun
and new opportunity
new hope
would soon appear
for this man in the saddle
with boots on his feet.
dc riggs © 22 November 04


The age of technology
when the goofs
call for some apology
and email
may be lost in cyberspace
far away
from the human race
'tis a shame
when hard work is gone
without a trace
and machines do
what you tell them to do
rather than
what you want done
but it can make
life interesting, maybe fun
but I'd swap my modem
and every gig
just to hold a loving hand
at days end
we might call it humanology.
dc riggs  23 Nov 04

        "Hug A Turkey"

Eat beef, Life, the steak place
a ham a day
keeps the doctor at bay
why did the chicken
cross the road?
to find its way to your plate
vegetarians live longer
and don't forget
an apple a day is good
to keep the doctor
far away
if your aim is good
there is really no debate
that for health
love, joy, and happiness
hug a turkey
don't lop off the head
and at night
you will sleep better
in your warm comfy bed
clean up your kitchen
make your house
the ham, chicken, and beef place.
   Turkeys United
   dc riggs © 26 November 2004


Moonlight, moon bright
moon's light
that I see this night
touch the
aching heart
bring the hope
that might
come with the dawn
God the Creator
only knows
but for now is moonlight
illuminating light
bringing sight
dispelling the darkness
gently, gently
making the rough
look smooth
hiding places ugly
keeping secret the dangers
that lie in wait
Lord, let me not fall
in moonlight
but may I find love's light
and may it be Your pure delight.
dc riggs © 26 November 2004

       "The Egg"

The egg was broken
on the sidewalk
it in pieces 
did lay.

No horses or men
from the King
came forth
to heal.

The hot sun burned
whites bubbled
the yolk

Passersby kept going
shook their heads
at the sight
the mess.

The story of an egg
of many a man

Who stood and watched?
who tried to Help?
God alone

dc riggs © 26 November 2004

  "Thanksgiving Day Gone"

Thanksgiving Day is over, gone
the leftovers
disappearing one by one
but the day
is really not done.

God still blesses His children
one by one
with good gifts from above
He dries tears
He calls them to have fun.

Creation is an old, old story
still here today
and God is still the ruler
He holds sway
be it night or midday sun.

Love, have hope for tomorrow?
do we ask God?
or a lover
who fears love is lost?
God knows
when hope lives or if it is done.
dc riggs © 26 November 2004

     "Heart Be Still"

Be still my heart
the night
is slowly passing
though dawn
may never really come
be still
and rock the waves
no more
but be a bringer
of peace
for somewhere within
the silence
tranquillity is released
be still
though God
you will not disturb
find peace
within His holy word
and in
your quite hour
pray, pray
for those you love
that they
be touched within
by His
holy healing power
as reverently
you now become
still my heart.
dc riggs © 27 November 2004

          "When Depressed"

What can you do when depressed?
when you are tired
haven't had enough rest?
a bit of a talk
a chat
with one you love
can make a dreary night
a bit more bright.

Is it the voice? the one of choice
that is so sweet
cutting through the gloom
giving you some hope
despite despair
it makes
a difference to me
if her smile my ear can see.

Solutions? Not yet, not yet
but talking
brings comfort, perspective
without a doubt
commitments of love
not lightly given or taken
but in love and care
and each day, join in prayer.

And the dark becomes brighter
and the loads, a bit lighter.
dc riggs  © 27 November 2004

     "The Red Rose"

From my place of sitting
there by the shore
of Loch Brier
I painted a red rose
for my love
without a flower to pose.

In my heart, in my mind
the rose had form
love's design
and I with brush not pen
the translator
in a world of men.

Not a flower show variety
my precious flower
some petals
looking a bit worn
showed where they were torn.

For love has ups and downs
realities fearful
in the end will endure
if it was really love
planted firm
by our Father above.

And lovers live, must live
in its cast shadow
two lives
forming the soil
for the rose
as together they toil.
dc riggs  © 28 November 2004

      "Name Is Written"

My love's name is written
upon my heart
my name
written upon in her palm
friendship true
was it once
written upon her heart as well?
sad, sad
an ill fortune for me
and upon
the differences
I will have to contemplate
and in time
perhaps I will see
but what
I do not know
for the future lies
except to God
much like the rolling sea
like the rolling sea.
dc riggs  © 28 November 2004

       "You Are My Dawn"

You are the sun of my dawn
breaking the barriers
of my night
with you my thoughts
take flight
you are the words of my song.

You my dearest are the delight
of my evening
the joy
of each day
I am not being coy
it comes at your sight.

You encourage, you inspire
in all that I do
you support in prayer
in praise
all because you care
you are my heart's desire.

Words of love, of praise
poor reflections
of what is in the heart
feels inside
of the ache when apart
deep within, love is ablaze.
dc riggs © 30 Nov 2004
copyright dc riggs 2004