"Texas Blue Bonnet"

Texas Blue Bonnet
growing straight
as a child should grow
in the proper season
as does one
who grows straight and tall
the flower comes
in the springtime of life
to bring beauty
on a lovely spring day
or even when
the heat brings strife
to man and beast
the blue bonnet with color
bring thoughts of peace
a hearty flower
for a wild and woolly land
like the Texas child
born to become
a National treasure you see
for our future
however bright it might be
depends on these
just as a Texas spring
depends so much
on the Texas Blue Bonnet.
dc riggs  3 May 04

  "The Greater Value"

Dollars and cents
feelings of success
fill the table
but not the heart
and too easily money
and the person
tend to quickly part
but love, laughter
helping others
a better way, very smart
bring peace, joy
eternal success
better than dollars and cents.
dc riggs  5 May 04

  "Mother's Love Endures"

more than a memory
yet that too
of love and trust
still alive with me
though now at an age
when my body
does rust
yet I do recall
her tender touch
when I was ill or hurt
and her support
when I struggled with life
played my sport
suffered the ups and downs
of childhood strife
the playful life
enjoyed the teenage years
of smiles and frowns
hopes, dreams
worries and even fears
and though a rather big adult
I finally came to be
my short little mommy
still loved me
and from heaven's shore
loves me still
her love eternally true
more than a mere memory
she is still my mother.
dc riggs  8 May 04.

  "The Gift of Freedom's Pearl"

The blood that stained the dirt
that colored the sea
was American, Flag Red
and for freedom and our Nation
each in time, bled.

A mother's tears, A father's grief
a sweetheart's crushed heart
took from glory its zing
but this is Freedom's price
the cost of its ring.

Middle Eastern sand, the jungles
of Viet Nam, Pacific Islands
Korean cold, African style heat
Europe's forest, San Juan
Gettysburg, or the Valley Forge beat.

American youth, plus extra years
fought, bled, and died
for our Flag, however many stars
and our Nation's heart
still bears the loss, the scars.

We remember the wounded, the dead
the seven blood red stripes
with six of white, for purity of ideal
Oh, Say American
can you believe, see, can you feel?

Hear the roll call of present and past
their torch we are to carry on
despite the political swirl
to help the weak, those oppressed
give to them Freedom's pearl.
dc riggs  23 May 04
May 2004
Poems  d.c. riggs