
A tribute to friends would I give
short term, long term
somewhere in-between
a family is often tied by blood
but friendship
aye, that's what last
a parent and a child now grown
friendships come
my friend
in many shapes, sizes
and intensities
springing from seed sown
tempered, purified
by the trials and fires of life
most are unplanned
except perhaps
in the mind of our Creator
who Himself
seeks to be our ultimate friend
for not by food and water
alone do we thrive
each needs friends to survive
to grow, to know, so that we might live!
dc riggs  ©  6 March 2007

  "Lord, Speak to Me"

My soul is still Lord
speak to me
explain to me my "Why"
of who I am
dear Lord
You who are the Great "I Am"
for Your heart
loves me even in life's
the days when "because" fails
life's answers to give
as I wander downward trails
the standard which we meet
some of the time
does not the insides satisfy
for we wish to excel
onward, upward, and beyond
what force does propel?
life is a mystery
which we often try to solve
rather than enjoy
plagued by the "Why"
speak to me as I drink my tea
while my soul is still Lord.
dc riggs   © 11 March 2007


Reach for the Stars
with fingers
fully outstretched
and be not afraid my friend
if you grasp thin air
note, I did not say not to care.

Reach for the Moon
beauty, love
things of the heart
the internal is precious my friend
deep within the soul
so dare to be brave, be bold.

Reach for the Sun
radiant heat
power not understood
but use power wisely my friend
warm, do not burn others
treat all as sisters or as brothers.

Do not reach for God
He has reached
down for you
through Jesus His Son dear friend
accept Him
let His Spirit fill you to the brim.

Reach for Tomorrow
let go of the past
celebrate much
life is all to brief my friend
seek joy every day
smile in faith, when you pray.
dc riggs   ©  11 March 2007

  "Thank You My Friend"

Yesterday, the very last
of birthday cake was eaten
by me
the last of the birthday cards
read, appreciated
as thanksgivings grew
within my heart
not simply for a card
but for each
precious friend
who remembered
who cared
and so I thank our Father
this very day
for the gift He gave of you
my friend well chosen
for you cannot be surpassed.
dc riggs  ©  12 March 2007

  "Play the Drum Slowly"

Play the drum slowly
my love
my dear love
play the drum slowly
as I wander alone
to the far blue mountains
perhaps beyond
searching, searching
for answers that for doubts atone
that come from within
answers that come from above
cry not my dearest
save each tear
be bold, be brave
in the midst of your fear
cling to the memory
that I leave behind
I carry yours in my heart
a comfort
in the cold, the dark
while we are so far apart
I will return dear love
successful, or broke and lowly.
dc riggs ©  14 March 07

   "Happy Pi Day"

Happy Pi day to you
this fourteenth of March
that it may be
for only mathematicians calculate
that pies are square
when we know
that pies are round
what the heck
let's celebrate today
with a pie
rather than a cake
Pi's value is three point one four
with crumbs
today, the third month
the fourteenth day
is when
I wish a happy Pi day to you.
dc riggs ©  14 March 07

  "Midnight Soon"

It is two hours before
the witch hour
the clock strikes at midnight
but why?
because it's time
to wake
those who long before
had gone to sleep
Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong!
times three
and I
well, there I must wonder
will I be sound asleep?
or reading
or riding the moors
on a moonless sort of night
what comes
after midnight
a wise one might say
is determined
by what came before.
dc riggs ©  15 March 07


He was a rebellious teen
a slave
tending flocks
getting to know the Father
in solitary places
became a man pristine.

A boy with visions
with growing faith
the leading of our Creator
freedom found
by faith
which he set to actions.

He drove not snakes out
but the pagans
the gospel of Jesus Christ
converting Chiefs
many others
gives us still reason to shout!

So color not your food green
eat something Irish
for the Irish far and wide
St. Patrick's Day
celebrate the legacy
he left on history's scene.
dc riggs  ©  17 March 2007