Again 'Tis the Birthday Month
Sandra, Linda, Danny
Debby and Jon
MARCH 2006
copyright DC Riggs March 2006

Raindrops, landing on the cheek
clean the face
hide tears
yet raindrops are not what we seek.

Love, laugher, peace, we surely need
transformed hearts
flipping the frown
mix into our life, as if bread we kneed.

A kiss, an embrace, lives united
love's flame
with this the future is ignited.

Raindrops, often gentle, often meek
cleansing, refreshing
bringing joy
making a mighty river out of a creek.
dc riggs  © 2 March 2006

              "A Republic Is Born"

The enemy assembled, killing, burning
the self-proclaimed
Napoleon of the West
had invaded
"Let's go, fight, rescue the Alamo!"
but Houston said, "NO"
and they stayed
as the men of Goliad died
and the Alamo
prepared to crumble
but from the ashes and blood
a nation was born
Texas, the proud Republic
a wild, hostile
enchanting expanse of land
took her place in history
that day
on Washington on the Brazos
as the delegates signed
with ink
others signed with blood
bringing validity
with the Napoleon of the West
surrendering, leaving
the vast land
many cultures
to blend and to grow
someday, no longer to see
on Texas soil
the enemy, assembled, killing, burning.
dc riggs  © 2 March 2006

   "Between Mountain and Sea"

I saw the mountain, I saw the sea
each great and vast
wonderment on different levels
what do they have to do with me?

Each day I get up, run and scurry
going here and there
less perhaps than those warm and furry.

Man need not hunt, gather nut or berry
Joe's Burger Grill, and such
will fill the tummy
fast living to the grave us it does carry.

In modern splendor, not huts of sod
we move as if in a race
but with who? what?
and our running becomes our God.

I paused at the mountain and the sea
felt God's joyous presence
knew I have His love
and worshipped Him on bended knee.
dc riggs  © 4 March 2006

     "Depressing Question"

A weighty thing depression is
is depression
can there be a move
a regression
back to joy? peace?
yet they have not, do not cease!
but for reasons unknown
depression's vile grip did increase!
Dear Lord, "Why"
How? is there a concession
to be made
to one's depression?
what happened to the fizz?
dc riggs  © 4 March 2006

    "Salute the Alamo"

Cannon smoke, musket fire
a gallant defense
in a final defeat
in a mission called, the Alamo.

Cottonwood trees by a river
a scene of serene peace
marching troops
tramples peace into dust
the word for cottonwood? Alamo.

Ex-Congressman Davy Crockett
Jim Bowie, Travis
many others
ethnics, nationalities
blood mingled for freedom, the Alamo.

A rallying cry, a memory, history
cannons are silent
the muskets are quite
the mission a place for tourist
their bravery still rings true. The Alamo.
dc riggs  © 6 March 2006

           Bernell and Alice Anniversary
                  17 March 1968

A lovely woman, A tall young man
hand in hand are wed
their hearts
joined with loving care
as if a divinely made afghan.

High points, low, the up, the down
children, vocation
much laughter
the times that brought a frown.

Tick tock, tick tock, go the years
grandchildren's joy
a warm glow
giggles are fun
loving arms comfort the fears.

Bernell and Alice, their daily bread
memories linger
the future lies ahead
"Now" is for living
as much as the day that they were wed.

Bless them, their family, their home
dear Lord, our Creator
and all who enter
as guests
protect, when they choose to roam.
   dc riggs  © 17 March 2006