Important Birthdays in March
Sandra, Linda, Danny
March 2006
copyright DC Riggs  March 2006
  "Born Proud, Still Proud"

She is beautiful and proud
a March baby
born on the 2nd
but conceived before
in the hearts
and the minds of women
and men
she is Texas proud.

She is beautiful and proud
a March baby
on the 2nd born
let the celebration ring loud.

Conceived, lusted after, desired
by men and women
sacrificing for her birth
their patience strained and tired.

Blood, sweat, and even life
would be given
willingly, unwillingly
before the end of the strife.

Texas Liberty, herself very proud
a Republic, a land
a state of mind
whether alone or in a Texas crowd.

So celebrate her delicate birth
carry forward the torch
a proud State, in a proud Nation
unique in the history of earth.
dc riggs  1 March 04

"Beautiful Texas Woman"

Beautiful as a Texas dawn
is the woman
with heart as pure
as the newborn fawn.

Her kiss, her tender lips
can launch armies
carry a man through
the most dangerous trips.

Salt water, fresh water
boating, sailing
she is ready
this woman is a fun starter.

Horse and bridle always handy
across the plains to ride
climbing mountains
an adventuress sweet as candy.

She is a Texas woman
gentle and strong
like her State
an able mate for her man.
dc riggs  1 March 04

     “Thank You for This Day”

The day is long, the day is hard
Thank You Lord
for the day
work and play, each a vibrant chord.

We deal with people, their mess
many with hardships
gripes and complaints
adding to our daily stress!

Give us calm, give us a pause
the time out signal
becomes a hand-made cross
rather than an easy escape clause.

A cup of soup, coffee, or even tea
a few minutes to breathe
to take advantage of these help
dear Lord, Please, stressed out me!

God is great, God is good, That’s You
help me when I forget
for there are days
when I act as if I have no clue.

Thank you Lord, for this day
in the Cross I need not ever sweat
the small stuff, which it is
for in my life, You have the last say.
dc riggs   2 March 2004

  "Last Meal, Last Word"

It was early in the morning
the scaffold caught
the first rays of morning light
the last rays of dawn
for him.

A guilty man without a plea
innocent perhaps
of the crime at hand
but now his future
is rather dim.

Does God's roll have his name?
was this the appointed time?
Jesus the only bridge of salvation
but are the town's folk really
spiritually fit and trim?

His last meal, hearty at least
as if he had a full day
on earth ahead
instead of dangling from
a man made limb.

The condemned has a last meal
the town folks have
the last word
their gossip continues after
the last hymn.

Guilty or innocent, either way
it won't matter
after today
for before the sun is very high
they'll be hanging him.
dc riggs  3 March 04

    "Happy Birthday Linda"

Three seven to Three five
coming up to
the double nickel
and grateful
to be healthy and alive.

If we had been at the Alamo
in-between, earlier
a hundred and thirteen years
we'd be in a pickle
a sacrifice
for the Texas Republic
Freedom's boat to faithfully row.

Orange and White, BearKat dream
friendships cemented
with God's Holy power
memories reach out, they tickle
we laugh, we cry
the years pass on by
but still we are on God's team.

So my friend, my wishes for you
for Don as well
are peace, prosperity
may life never be fickle
as joy and laughter
fill your days
for the best in life is your due.
dc riggs  4 March 04

        "Alamo and the Cross"

The haze of gun smoke still hung
on that Texas plain
the bodies, Oh the Bodies!
still were strewn about
dead, yet living steps, Freedom's rung.

They could have run far away
lived to fight
some other day
but toe to toe they stood
fought, died, for the chose to stay.

Oh Alamo! Oh Alamo! walls of white
forever stained with blood
white, brown, black, young old
men who feared, were bold, dying
for Texas, for Freedom's light.

There is another place where a man died
innocent, guilty of divine love
and His blood flowed
for all peoples, all colors, all ages
and at the foot of the cross, many cried.

Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus! who is our all in all
we come for salvation, for strength, guidance
each day, all day through to You
for You, unlike any man alive or dead
gave Your life, for an eternal Freedom's Call.

The Alamo, The Cross, symbols of Freedom
one, in man's own power
the other, by God in Christ, Divine!
the path is never easy or free
then, now, tomorrow; take a stand for Freedom!
dc riggs  7 March 04

  "Natahsa, Family Riggs"

Fluffy white ball of fur
chosen by one
and all
each him and her
to be ours
part of our family.


A Samoyed of Texas birth
rabbit chaser
by no means a catcher
giving mirth
joy, and love to all
this was her doggie destiny.


Fourteen years have gone by
the ups and downs
frowns, laughter
and now a final good-bye
brings tears
a part of love's reality.


I cried, gently stroked your head
as you slipped away
and thanked God
for you our lives fed
in many ways
for you were part of our family.
dc riggs  10 March 04

    "Fingertips Touching"

Fingertips, touching at parting
lingering, longing
wanting, to stop the good-bye
but time moves on
until it is at some point gone.

Two lives, opposite directions
always reflections
which bring the internal sigh
will things change
the future somehow rearrange?

Love secure, love insecure
love wild, love demure
willing to tomorrow to fly
love that will overcome
love is smart, sometimes is dumb.

Somewhere a fireplace is glowing
calling for lovers to be going
unlike the fire, love will not die
but will burn bright
even if lived, under a distant light.

So the fingertips, forever pausing
for parting is causing
two souls to cry
but joy will their reunion bring
for a love, that never ceased its ring.
dc riggs  11 March 04

  "Late on the Sixteenth"

I'm Tired, Sleepy, Pooped
day is done
and in exhaustion
is no fun.

Tomorrow's soup is on
Coddle from Dublin
but its taste is not a sin.

St. Patrick's Day to enjoy
Christ he brought
to the Emerald Isle
God's love he them taught.

So much to do, so little time
late is the hour
and when jello is done
then book and bed, rest's power.

Now for sleep I lay me down
please God me to keep
bless those I love
grant joy, that they won't weep.
dc riggs  16 March 04

   "The Valuables of Life"

Friendships, love, God's grace
unifying principles
to strengthen, to enrich
this thing called the human race.

Come! Come! Join with me!
profit and fulfillment
are not found in a ledger
but in love, a gift great and free.

Lips and hearts ever meeting
dawn or sunset
midnight, or noonday
each the other is ever treating.

Hands joined, on a pathway going
somewhere? nowhere?
it matters not where
as long as they are together flowing.

Partners in business, in love, in life
riding the roller coaster
going up, going down
facing together days of joy, of strife.

God's grace, love, and friendships
make living possible
make it worthwhile
let nothing these valuable eclipse.
dc riggs  22 March 04

  "Sleep Little One"

Sleep, Sleep, little one
rest, recuperate
your mother's so tired
her energy's done.

Feel the love young one
your mother's care
comes from her heart
with you to share.

The days fly by little one
you'll be grown
from home's nest
too soon you will have flown.

But though my little one
your beard be gray
remember your mom
her love, given every day.

Sleep, Sleep, little one
rest in peace
life's blessings are yours
may they never cease.
dc riggs  27 March 04

  "Sleep Where Are You"

Morning has not broken
it is not the start
of a new day
for night is in the way.

Sleep, sleep, friend or foe?
the former
unless your allusiveness
brings to my life a darkness.

Is it too many things residing
on the heart
or playing in the mind
so that you I now do not find?

Or is this part of God's purpose?
for me this night
Is it part of His mighty plan
for this silly sort of man?

Never mind, never fear
I will not cry for my lack
but will enjoy the moment
a cup of tea, after this wee comment.
dc riggs  0345  29 March 04