"Where I Live"

Where do I live?
in the valley
of the Moon's shadow
a lonely place
but quite
filled with dreams
things that once were
visions of
those that might have been
and might yet be
for a dreamer
lives not in reality
but in realms
of the possibilities
silly me
dreamer that I am
chasing the rainbows
eating the dust
of a chase made in vain
but despite
the agony, the pain
I dream
plan, pursue
for down in the shadow
of the Moon's valley
for here I live.
dc riggs © 3 June 2005


Campfire breaks the chill
the darkness
the marvelous magic
of light
creeping up, out
from embers
with stored sunshine
inner grown
for decades of years
and warmth
as true as the sun's
comfort, peace
a gift to man
from Him who is divine
yet few stop
to say
"Thank You"
as they gaze into the fire
that breaks
night's lonely chill.
dc riggs © 3 June 2005

   "Rider in the Night"

A rider in the night
on the hill above the ranch
as yellow light
plays with the shadows
under the windows
smoke floats
from the chimney
all is at peace
a hot meal on the table
the promises of tomorrow
but the rider
has none
and many miles
call him to come, to come
the journey
is not yet done
and cold camps await
a canopy of stars
lonely, so very lonely
but 'tis his fate
this rider in the night.
dc riggs © 3 June 2005

       "The Worthless Feeling"

Worthless! Worthless! Worthless!
a failure outstanding
among failures
he sighed

Wanting to be loved, be special
to that one special lady
and he was, once
but he failed

to meet her needs
basic they are to man
he who says no has lied
and he failed, but hard he tried.

life, love, hope
into desolation's pit
he fell with a broken heart
losing her was bitter and tart.
dc riggs © 9 June 2005

  January 15, 1922 - May 28, 2005

Up on the rooftop little Emory
pretended to be a plane
but as a man
he learned to fly
above the clouds so high
in peace and war
far away places with odd names
World War II, Korea, Viet Nam
with sweat, tears, courage
Rachel's love and support ever true
and so Emory Smith flew.

Believing in God divine, was Emory
being husband and daddy
a friend to many
and a man who loved to fly
planes built by others, by himself
with Jeanette
his partner and his wife
building houses, boats, and planes
a man who truly enjoyed living
facing life's greatest fears
laughing, but shedding heart tears.
dc riggs © 10 June 2005

"Thoughts on a  Fine June Day"

The ache of loneliness
the heartbreak
of despair
the depressing feeling
that the "self"
has ceased to care.

The un-kissed lips
asking why
inaccessibility is so unkind
to love's hurts
tends to be blind.

Lord, God, Father, Creator
why complications?
with answers forever eluding
but You know
'tis only us
ignorant, reality excluding.

But joy resides in the now
the loving voice
prayer time, the reality of love
Your divine presence
here with us, not just up above.
dc riggs © 11 June 2005

  "A Swimmingly Delightful Thought"

Keep on swimming, Keep on swimming
Dori Fish sang
never quit
even if you forget
what you are swimming toward.

For life is full of currents
that sweep you of your feet
dangers abound
but smile, don't frown
be brave, and trust in God.

Come my darling! Come Now!
let us swim
together, fin to fin
to places we've never been
no matter the odds.

Creation's beauty is awaiting!
for you and for me
for us
and we need not a bus
to take us on this pilgrimage!

"Keep on swimming" Keep on swimming"
never lose hope nor faith
my darling dear
with God, with me, never fear
for you are never ever really alone!
dc riggs © 11 June 2005

      "Grim Is Death"

Grim is the casket, Grim is death
yet to all, he comes!
a freezing chill
as living tears flow
from grieving hearts
the story is often retold
by both the timid and the bold.

Grim! a word hinting of desolation
yet death means a life
the "once was"
pulsed with vitality
perhaps laughter, joy
a living possibility
then death stamps "sold"
and the living body is cold.

Grim Death, where is your victory?
in God's plan
there really is none!
you are but a part of life
as we pass from here
into His eternity
this is Christ's story as told
for He died to bring us to His fold.

And believers celebrate life
mourn yes, but without inner strife.
dc riggs © 11 June 2005

           "Grasping Life"

Life is something we can grasp
breathing, laughing
moving from here to there
touching, feeling
but 'tis a gift
that is to be enjoyed
mourned in its sad passing
leaving a wake
of memories
the good, the not so good
for all
as are birth and death
are a part
of this thing we call life
simple, complicated
beyond man's
feeble ability to grasp
and at its roots
is God
who is Love, Peace, Hope
life's giver
and in the end, its receiver
this too is more
than a feeble mind can grasp.
dc riggs © 11 June 2005

         "A New Day"

Red as if wine, speaks of dawn
as mustard light
breaks sky's blue
and give the new day
its own special hue
where all can laugh and play.

We sing, we laugh, we love
true hearts mend
love's healing
mends each break
giving a feeling
as only peace can make.

Praise God for the night's fall
where rest reigns
but dawn
brings forth a bright song
and maybe a yawn
but it rights life's wrong.

Come, my love, Come!
romp with me
across the roads of life
where adventure
mingles joy and strife
giving to some, a healing cure.
dc riggs © 11 June 2005

       "At Funeral Time"

Funeral time, sad time, an ending
some tears
the sense of loss
but as the kidney stone
this too shall pass
as did this life
born to parents, loved
the center
of his universe
a possibility of who is to be
but years creep by
innocence fades, is lost
hope grows, shrinks
as an irregular heartbeat
the calliope of life
tears, fears, joy, grins
thins sad, bad
but also wondrous, neat
and love he seeks
to have, to give
from God, special others
but alas
successes are but white caps
on his ocean
of failures
and in earthly love
he cannot be number one
even for the right lass
and the life
marked as "possibilities"
ends as "finished"
some cry
but then life moves on
and he has too
on to meet with God
this sinner fashioned of sod
funeral time, sad time, an ending.
dc riggs © 12 June 2005

      "When Sleep Does Flee"

Down the twisted halls of mind
and of dreams
I chased the rabbit
and mocking
it was faster than me
on nimble legs it did flee.

Dreams mingle with reality
nightmares too
was there something there
that puts
sleepiness to flight?
what could it be
is there a message for me?

Voices hound, internal are they?
failure! betrayer! dreamer!
infernal epitaphs of humankind
yet the rabbit
knows, and scurries
under mountain, by the sea
'til I cannot run, think, or see!

Who is the victor in sleep battles?
for we catch no rabbits
nor often remember
anything other
than the run, the chase
were life but as a golf tee
the ball could be replaced by me.

For those who wake non-sleepy
I have no answers, no code, no key.
dc riggs © 14 June 2005

      "Before the Day is Begun"

"Twas early, dawn still yet to come
I thought of life
of love
the things we should enjoy
of lips
waiting for a kiss
a cheek
yearning for a touch
loving, kind
and I the thought I did smile.

The new day had not yet begun
yet a lovely flower
I would seek
to give to her so fair
to tell her
of unquenchable love
my care
and I saw her waiting
to love, to be loved
and in my heart was a smile.

Into loving arms I would run
but the day, had not even begun.
dc riggs © 14 June 2005

     "Ode to a Color Wheel"

Not spinning, but very round
full of color
organized with perfection
the color wheel
to give not inspiration
but guidance
as the artist seeks
to blend, to create, to try
to bring beauty
or message
to the waiting world
who my dream
in black and in white
but who live
in color
and so there lies
the puzzle
endless combinations
and possibilities
in the mind
go round, round, and around.
dc riggs © 14 June 2005

     "The Night Holds"

The night holds terror for some
especially when glum
but for others
it is a time for romance
a moonlit path
perhaps a river walk
a place to stop
to kiss
to listen
to heart beats
gazing at the stars
being amazed
in love
in God
in eternity
taking time to reflect
who you are
where you are going
who you're with
and in the moment
rejoicing, crying
the joys of night to some.
dc riggs © 15 June 2005

  "A Floating Prayer"

Lord of Earth, Sky, and Sea
the Universe so wide
from You are no mysteries hid
no needs, unknown
for You have the eternal ear
the pure loving heart
but I be a simple man, 'tis true
knowing little
understanding less
a small boat on life's sea
yet I believe
though my faith be small
help me in unbelief
a crime overpowering, tall
for I look ahead
of the beam
the waves rise and fall
the tempest of the heart
things unanswered
a course gone far astray
and if I sink
will be but one more boat
lost on life's sea
but I am a man of audacity
and dare ask
you to bless me
forgive me, be gracious to me
and to those I love
and through me
to bless others who flounder
in water's rough
when in truth I have no rope
no hope to give
except the love of Christ
who reaches through the waves
through the storm
to pluck from sure destruction
those willing to be saved
so hear my prayer
unworthy am I even to pray
Oh God, our Father
Creator of our Universe
Lord of Earth, Sky, and Sea.
dc riggs © 21 June 2005

   "The Laugh and the Fool"

Have mercy on an old fool
dear God above
for in the realms of adventure
money, and love
we put ourselves into a noose
and kick from our feet
stability's stool
never innocent in truth
as a snow white dove
but we act
as if our brain is bird size
and it
our only tool
so we stumble through life
and life laughs
sometime its in honesty
just to be cruel
grant to me the audacity
to laugh with it
a most effective tool
whether I be
a young or an old fool.
dc riggs © 22 June 2005
copyright dc riggs 2005