JUNE 2004
   "Age Catches Up With Us"

Swiftly the years did pass
the pounds came
speed slowed
'tis the hair lighter now?
what say you my lass?

Oh Yes! To be eighteen again
how I mocked the old
beyond thirty with backs bowed
my shameful ignorance
I want to go back where I began.

Youth, why did you desert me?
responsibilities grew
I feel the weight of my load
with taunting memories
of times of frolic by the sea.

I'm thirty, the matter is quite weighty
the "old" feel my impatience
they even more have now slowed
how brief time's span
until the day that I turn eighty.
dc riggs  © 3 June 04 

  "Cake, Greens, and Jesus"

Red Velvet Cake, Sweet Potato pie
Turnip Greens, Spaghetti
and Jesus
a radical difference
we think
but man's intellignece
can't even see
God blink
vitamins and sweetness
a touch of fiber too
make a meal that's healthy
if moderation
is the rule for the first two
but for Jesus
moderation is not needed
for He is our all in all
the one during good times
and tragic
that we should always call
His life is our model
ressurection, our eternal hope
and in love
for our sins, He did die.
dc riggs  © 1 June 04

  "The Kiss in Night's Middle"

The kiss, The kiss
in night's middle
oh, my sweet love
do you give
me some type of riddle
to confuse
or perhaps confound
to test and see
if in the dark of night's
sweet sleep
my passions can be found?
the answer is Yes!
as my awakening heart
is sparked with glee
my eyes open
to see your beauty
but alas
it is my dog's nose I see
crushed am I
in my wide awake state
for surely
here in night's middle
sleep, sweet sleep
from me did surely flee.
dc riggs © 9 June 04

    "Beauty Far Away"

I am as the brash sailor
for water at sea
seeking beauty, that's me.

Searching, Searching
all around
looking for my heart
from it, I hate to be apart.

And then I saw her
lovely lady
far, far away
Wow! my heart did say.

For her beauty shone
like a star
and as a sailor
I sailed my ship toward her.

for there is a manly duty
to praise a lady of beauty.
dc  riggs  © 13 June 04

  "Good Morning God"

Good morning Dear God
hear my prayer
though I am but
a creature shaped of sod
but Your breath
I carry
somewhere inside
and I know you know me
not matter
where I may try to hide
and my good
and even more my bad
does follow me
from day to day to day
though I prefer
the good the bad to outweigh
it often does not
thus I depend each moment
not my goodness
but Yours
to carry the day
and me
into fields of good
laughter, peace, and joy
so with knee
bent upon this simple sod
I say from my heart
Good Morning again my God.
dc  riggs  © 13 June 04   

   "For the Frog Kissers"

Beauty is but skin deep
an eternal truth
thus we kiss the frog
but in doing so
does it mean
we love the frog
or search
for a handsome prince
and in fables
of old
'tis always it seems
the woman
who will kiss the toad
perhaps men
fail to see beneath
the skin
or understand the purity
of a woman's heart
or the evil
that hides behind
a pretty face
but frog kissing
invites the disaster of warts
but the risk
may be less than the reward
for the bold lady
who takes time to kiss
a humble frog
and what will she find
should she kiss me?
what lies, beneath, down deep.
dc  riggs  © 13 June 04

        "The Face I Now See"

My enemy, my friend, no stranger
was the face observing me
but what could I read
in return, that might set me free?

A face of beauty? Not really
age now appearing
a face of character or a character
the thought was searing.

A thought this to be my friend
then why the betrayal?
for it crushed my heart
was friendship a false portrayal?

The face said, "Please, Love Me"
yet who truly could
yet I, commanded by God
"MUST," not simply an "I should."

The waves of "if" "might have been"
wash over me as a mighty sea
tears of anguish
fall as if leaves from a winter tree.

The face or the past I cannot change
but today and tomorrow wait
the mirrored face is mine
my self-hate, a common unhealthy trait.
dc riggs  © 11 June 04

         "What Is This My Love"

Love? Love? what is this, my Love?
that makes my heart
pound, beat
whether we're together or apart.

Oh, swing with my my Love
for you my spirits lift
and in my heart
you bring healing to each rift.

Hold me, gently, firmly my Love
for I need security
from the nightmares
that feed on my own insecurity.

Kiss me, passionately my Love
my inner-self caress
can you my real self touch?
perhaps even bless?

Love, this I feel for you my Love
to walk life's path with you
is my hope, desire
for love endures, forever is true.
dc riggs  10 June 04

          "Canvass a Waiting"

Canvass, Canvass, blank, empty
waiting for me
but what do I see
in my mind's eye to draw?

A place, a person, an abstract it?
a he, a lovely she
what will it be
I alone, can ever decide.

Mountain, river, lake, desert
perhaps the sea
or a portrait of a tree
maybe just an old barn will do.

Where to start, a complete picture?
in my mind it might be
or is a single mark the key?
but start I must if I am ever to finish.

The heart, the beginning place
of art for each he
and artistic she
the driving force, filling the empty.
dc riggs  © 13 June 04

  "A Word In Appreciation"

A brief word, a word I write
yet one word or many
does not repay
their bloody sacrifice
nor the anguish
of spouse, children
lovers, friends
parents, siblings
each alone
with heart crushed pain
pondering in the dark
of the mind's night
if there has been any gain?
as politician's lips
flap in the political breeze
and people move on
to other things
the sense of loss remains
but down the corridors
of infinite time
echo voices of those
who in sacrifice
have gone on before
welcoming the fallen
the wounded
to their elite band
and one word rises
above the clamor
dc riggs  © 11 June 04

  "Reply to the Query"

You wonder, you ponder my friend
the great questions of life
with the ears of my heart I hear
your curious internal strife.

Life is serious my good friend
but don't take it so
let laughter and mirth rule
joy you reap, if these you sow.

Sit with me, share coffee my friend
share ideas of the mind
the hurts and joys of the heart
and truth we will find.

Love? you seek love my friend?
you seek well
for life without love
is an earthly form of hell.

May flowers will bloom dear friend
if planted, watered, weeded
let us be humble
for truth is lost to the conceited.
dc riggs  © 10 June 04

       "Fort Carson Sonnet"

Fort Carson, beautiful Colorado
brave soldiers, families
toast them with a proud "Bravo"
victories won, surviving calamities
Peace time, War time
in a world sometimes lacking
reason, rhythm, or rhyme
never are they duty slacking.
We praise them! Bless them dear God!
for their service true
sweat and blood soak the sod
around the world, they faithfully do
dc riggs © 10 June 04

"In Honor of President Reagan"

Tears from the skies
angels perhaps
as Washington pays respects
to an American true
larger than life
yet a man touching
common folk
Commander in Chief
world leader
husband, father
cowboy actor
a worthy model
an inspiration
above all
a child of God
a simple complicated man
mistakes forgiven
a man forgiving
who brings a grin now
to heaven's shore
Ronald Reagan
we could not love you more
and our tears are shed
heartfelt, sincere
as they fall
now from somber skies.
dc riggs  © 11 June 04

  "Woman Power, Army Power"

Woman power, Army power
a key ingredient
in the ranks
or in the home
the "she" makes a difference
as a leader
as a wife or mother
as a friend
give her flowers
give her great praise
and never
be surprised
at the difference she makes
for she shapes
her world
other worlds as well
bright tomorrow?
the future will truly tell
but mark her place
this lady, a key ingredient
to life itself and to Army power.
dc riggs  © 11 June 04

  "For the Love of a Book"

Oh, for the joy of a good book
words, each printed word
educating, inspiring
these words my eye has heard.

Romance, adventure, the silly
on each page they wait
my mind to snare
for my book I am never late.

It began in childhood bedtime
a time for lights out
but a half hour
to sleep or read, I never did pout.

Instead I read, a wonderful time
and though older now
I read each night
learning of life's why and how.

Blessed am I with abilities to read
my love of books is almost a creed.
dc riggs  © 14 June 04

  "Joy of the Journey"

Some look to the final place
where joy and rest
will be found
good, I'm very sure
but remember
I am a bit of a clown
and joy
is found in the journey
the short time
that I am on life's stage
bumbling, tripping
even when I get the pie
right in the face
and though
I may help others to laugh
something happens
to me inside
just from being a pilgrim
on a pilgrimage
the adventure grows
the more
it is undefined
but one day I'll rest
and move on
both at the same time
in the presence
of my God
who's been with me all the time
for it is He
who has allowed
the journey earthly and divine.
dc riggs  © 14 June 04

"Reply To The Other Side of Her"

Woman of beauty, mystery
who is your love
does he know you so?
you whose beauty does glow.

Hair of auburn, eyes of green
he is indeed lucky
his Miss to kiss
moments of perfect bliss.

Have you shared with him
your inner-self
do you likewise know him?
the man inside the rim.

Delicate, strong, gentle power
capable of love's depths
passions heights
healing man's woeful plights.

With envy I ponder, curious
prone to wonder
how lucky I would be
if the special him were me.
dc riggs © 14 June 04

"The Old Oak Tree"

The shade of the old oak tree
seemed mighty inviting
to the weary bones
that sagged inside of me.

A scorching sun, blistered all
man and horse
snake and lizard
the big, little, short, and tall.

The oak seemed to know
to understand
its shade appreciated
for today the wind did not blow.

Survived? Yes, for many years
drought, flood, tornado
even more than me
living without mankind's fears.

Maybe I could be like this tree
a patient place of rest
ignoring crisis
just "being" a happier me.
dc riggs  © 16 June 04

    "Wishing, Wishing"

One, two, and maybe three
if I had a wish
what would it be?
a million dollars, Whew!
but what is money
if you lose your health?
a mansion to enjoy
but what of the servants
if i had it
and no money
it would become
a time consuming toy
so wishes
might be better from
the heart
when they come
and the heart desires
to love
and to be loved
simple, yet profound
but that
is where happiness is found
but alas
where is the wish?
let alone the grand three.
dc riggs  © 16 June 04

   "Tree Without Limbs"

A tree without limbs
on a hill
marked with tragedy
with shame
where the dregs of society
were put to death
cruelly tortured, they died
unloved, unwanted
except one soul
loving, kind
and it was His blood
that flowed
red, forgiving, healing
mending the breach
between man and God
man and man
man and himself
if only pigheaded man
with hardened heart
ignores the life
the hill
and the tree without limbs.
dc riggs © 18 June 04 

      "Finding Balance"

I owe, I owe
thus its off to work I go
but all work
no play, creates a jerk.

I play, I play
"I'm silly" so some say
no money, no fun?
No! Each day, new life begun.

I loaf, I loaf
sometimes like an oaf
but if I work hard
I'll find an ace for a card.

I goof off, I goof off
now don't you sit and scoff
for lazy time creates?
Energy! let there be no debates.

I laugh, I laugh
for better by at least half
than the negative
seen often as an imperative.

So let me play, let me work
it is my little quirk
finding balance between the two
bringing meaning for me and you.
dc riggs  © 30 June 04

     "Under the Stars"

There is beauty in the stars
the vastness
removed from the world
of people, noise, and of cars.

High above the spreading tree
they make a canopy
that is a blessing
to you as well as to me.

Lovers, friend, families
have under stars
good times or calamities.

Lips, in tenderness meet
with a loving embrace
under the stars
a night gentle and sweet.

So when man reach for Mars
beauty is still found
for humankind
enjoying the canopy of stars.
dc riggs © 30 June 04

      "Children Matter"

Stop! See the wee little lad
arms crossed
a scowl
why is he always mad?

Stop! Pity the poor little lass
despondent lonely
as joyless as dry grass.

"P" children, hope's own kin
each a Possibility
of what can truly be
inside there may be a grin.

Home life may be bad
self-esteem flat
unwanted, unloved
by friends, a mom, or a dad.

Love and patience, great tools
to transform wee ones
but if for them we don't care
then we ourselves, might be fools.
dc riggs  © 30 June 04  

   "The Leaf Was Hanging"

I saw a leaf a hanging
upon the tree
and I thought of you
together with me.

To thought I'm clinging
of days gone by
for then as lovers ever true
we lay beneath the sky.

So to this leaf I'm singing
gentle is my voice
lovingly used for just a few
you not the leaf, are my choice.

I think with true feeling
to give it a kiss
if just a kiss might do
and bring me bliss.

Silly, the world sees it hanging
on a branch of a tree
though my kiss is for you
they see me hugging the tree.
dc riggs  8 June 04

  "No Longer That Young"

Here am I not so very young
nor very old
splashing into your life
to give, but what?
for I am not so truly bold
to wear the purple
but a grin
would i give to you
to wear
upon your heart within
to cheer your day
enthusiasm without pomp
for if I could tell
the world
this is what I'd say
"I like you!"
and in the days ahead
I'll be your friend
ever true
so please see the twinkle
within my eye
ignore the growing wrinkle
the lack of purple
for I'm not yet that old
nor any longer, am I that young.
dc riggs  8 June 04

"Eagles in Formation"

Eagles in an unlikely "V" formation
one flying off
the missing man
a symbol of the grief of our Nation
as the Flag waves to the world
and though they are busy
they too stop a moment
from life's daily crisis and swirl
to remember with a smile
the man, the person
whose horse
is beneath the Flag
empty stetson
empty boots, empty saddle
but our hearts are full
of proud memories
Mr. President
we remember you
and honor you
individually and as a Nation.
dc riggs  8 June 04