January Poems
copyright dc riggs 2007

The year of Ought and Six
is over
the good, the bad
times of joy
times that were sad
forgiveness, forgetting
holding fast
to good memories
enable us dear Father
to walk in humility
into the Year
that has now arrived
for we said
goodbye, farewell
to the past, to Ought-six.
dc riggs  © 1 Jan 2007

  “To Sit With An Angel”

To sit down with an Angel
to ask honestly him
face to face
what God desires of me
would be no disgrace.

My lifetime stretches toward
how ever many years
it may be
I prefer hope to the threat of fears.

I see tomorrow as through a veil
too many question marks
uncomfortable am I
but God is silent
as I listen with a heartfelt sigh.

Today, my child, is your fulfillment
tomorrow is coming
it’s not yet here
let Me hold your hand
with Me, God says, there’s no fear.

Still, how I wish, how I desire
to speak to an Angel
face to face
in a tomorrow I’ll see Jesus
this is The Promise, thus ending my race.
dc riggs  © 4 Jan 2007


The day the Lord did make
slips away
in the hustle and bustle
of daily life
Oh how to enjoy the mundane
that the day
be lived not in vain
this is a quest
few realize
even fewer attempt
"Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!"
but how?
perhaps to laugh
savor moments
remember other times
when life was a grand "IS"
without torments
and hope
was reality's dream
before it silently
did slip away
or did the mundane simply take.
dc riggs  © 12 Jan 2007

           “True Freedom’s Symbol”

Symbols are important in life’s complexity
for Romans
Freedom’s symbol was the cat
for those privileged
this is where it was at
in America
it was the eagle
with white feathered head
called “bald”
some say that turkey lover Franklin
was the only one appalled
but for humankind
freedom’s symbol ever true
is “The Cross of Christ”
and from this we have God’s clue
that freedom is not
just an earthly sort of thing
for through Christ Jesus
we are set free
from sin, from death’s penalty
free to be the real you; the real me
in this earthly life
and throughout eternity
so feed the cat, salute the eagle
let The Cross be your symbol of destiny.
dc riggs  © 25 Jan 2007

    "This Thing Called Life"

Young, scared
feeling quite a bit alone
a baby's birth
the hand of our Creator God
such is life, for souls incased in sod.

Years fill up
laughter and tears
mundane mingle with milestones
babies become grown
with grown babies of their own.

Bones creak
new pains come and go
changes of time
memories to laugh at, to cry
as the years go flowing by.

What is this thing
called life?
short, God given
an emotional rainbow
scenes, acts, a remarkable show.

Thank you Lord
for life
the good, not good, bad
for the joy, the pain
each day, Pity, we'll not be here again.
dc riggs  © 29 Jan 2007

  "Where Am I Going"

Where am I a-going
with this thing
correctly called my life?
as time slips by
am I content just to sigh?

Who will I become
what legacy
will I to others leave?
time is past to hesitate
clock says: "fifty and eight".

Have disciplines of youth
failed me?
what disciplines you ask?
a sixties child, but mild
getting too slow to go wild.

Today I will live for today
plan for tomorrow
plod in a forward direction
no time for debate
twenty years: I'll be seventy-eight.
dc riggs  © 30 Jan 2007

       "January - February"

My friend, January is slipping
slipping on by
to late to stop
so give a quick goodbye.

Time may run over a man
never slows
like a train to hop
so jump
and do the best you can.

Balance, the world does need
between doing
and not enough
life's enjoyment to feed.

February is around the bend
fleeting and fast
twenty-eight days and gone
yet George, Abe
and love, in it do truly blend.
dc riggs  © 30 Jan 2007
  “To Come, To Go”

Holes in His hands
in His side
He stands and says
why do I want to hide?

Agendas! Agendas!
His or mine
I have my dreams, plans
Yet, He calls
with a voice lovingly fine.

Peter, Jamie, Johnnie
you, and me
across the centuries He calls
follow Me who set you free.

I wait, I linger, I wonder
must I hear?
can I pretend to be deaf?
what to do with my doubt and fear?

His eyes see deep inside
my trembling heart
You must come, then you must
sharing Me is a disciple’s part.

So to Him I come to be set free
to a lost and hurting world goes me.
     -dc riggs  31 January 2007