copyright dc riggs  January 2004
  "Day One, Life Unchanged"

Day One, Two-thousand and four
a century ago
people thought they had arrived
who could ask for more
but more came
and came, and came
knowledge ever expanding
leaving many
feeling intellectually lame
so much change
yet echoes of distant past
when Cain in anger
killed his brother
rings still
an ever present danger
as people kill
with words and deeds
to feed
humanities insecure needs
and God weeps
for those who reach for stars
will not let Him
work to change their heart
so life as of old
goes on
amid the wonder
that the New Year holds
as we finish
Day one, two thousand and four.
dc riggs  1 jan 04

      "The Man of Yesterday"

He was a man of yesterday's pride
rough, saddle tough
a man ready
for fun or for danger
he was a man, ever steady.

He was a cowboy of days gone by
rode more than he wrote
yet usually kept a steady course
following his stars
as he rode the West on his horse.

Loyal, to his friend and his boss
with his lariat and hat
he faithfully rode for the brand
blistering heat, snow
as he drifted across the land.

In his lifetime he became legend
toast his ghost
for he defined a life
rugged and true
overcoming all types of strife.
dc  riggs  1 jan 04

    "What Can I Give"

On this First Day of Ought Four
what could I give you
to bring a smile
and have you wanting more?

In this age of space age toys
what do you want
that brings a lift
to adult age girls and boys?

Do you have some fears
that make you cringe
or perhaps sadness
that brings you a flood of tears?

Perhaps you need some hope
that this year can be
better or the best as you
dangle at the end of your rope.

But I have little to offer my friend
but what I have is yours
a prayer, smile, or listening ear
these I offer, to you I send.
dc riggs  1 jan 04

   "Cowchip Thoughts of Life"

We rush forward, nothing to detain
but at life's end, what does remain

The cowchip under my boot
a reality of what was
a reality of what is
is the cowchip question moot?

And the world is full of pain
in need of healing rain

Green grass, flower, vibrant
eaten, digested
nutrients, fiber
the body, a living tyrant.

The world is often insane
Lord we need clarifying rain

Cowpie potential? a claim a bit hoarse
ignored on old boots
a curse to new shoes
a powerful tool in nature of course.

The power of cowpie, sounds mundane
but so is the though, of a drop of rain

Waste evicted, cowpie created
to feed the soil
the flowers, the grass
yet drought is here, rain belated.

Lord, You withhold the rain
all dries up, there is no gain

Now this wasted potential is dust
echo of my life
what was, might have been
how do we allow one's life to rust?

We look back, want to regain
a miracle left to you, Lord of rain

Even the dust of the decayed chip
calls us to meaningful living
making us pause
before giving God any arrogant lip.

Lord of Creation, hear each pain
Send through the Spirit, healing rain
dc riggs  2 jan 04

     "Going to God in Prayer"

I walked a bit through life  this day
along pathways unseen
in heart and mind
a place quite, kind
God's presence is keen
for those who to God, often pray.

Praying for the lost, those in pain
those in authority's tower
the sick, the worn and used
the humorless, that they be bemused
for healing, and all power
is from Himself, life He does sustain!

What of those who suffer, who die
is this God's holy will?
though "No" is man's nemesis
it is not accepted as a kiss
but often as a bitter pill
making even the strongest to cry.

Free Will! the Devil made me do it!
the latter false, the former true
the choice is often inside
but from responsibility we hide
does God "free will" ever rue?
yet it doesn't make His love ever quit.

So I pray, "Lord, Your will be done"
in each person's life
bless and make a blessing
of substance, not window dressing
keep them from strife
within their reality, let them have fun!

And I pray, "In Jesus Blessed Name"
God's own beloved Son
my Savior and Friend
life's beginning, life's end
when all on earth is finally done
I, forgiven sinner, finding in Him my gain.
dc riggs   8 Jan 04

"Prayer Makes A Difference"

Prayer makes a difference
for God hears
with His ears of love
for He lives
within, as well as above.

Prayer makes a difference
if we ray
it touches human life
healing the hurt
and bring peace to strife.

Prayer makes a difference
to those near and those far away
its power is awesome
add it up
and love will be its sum.

Prayer makes a difference
the evidence is plain to see
you don't believe?
well, just take a look at me.
dc riggs  8 Jan 04

     "Swimmer's Prayer"

On the shores of this place called life
is a sea of people
that roll as if an ocean wave
lives each human soul
most Lord, in a house not a cave.

Wrestling with life at times
as if a swimmer
far out in the ocean blue
but our trust Lord
should not be in self, but in You.

Guide the course she swims
each stroke a decision
in a world of give and take
bless each soul
all who are touched by their wake.

Sometimes we feel all alone
as if quarantined
though life is a crowded beach
let us know
that we are never beyond Your reach.

Give then Lord courage, strength
for the bold stroke
the daring decision made
within Your will
with a faith as keen as a knife's blade.
dc riggs  9 Jan 04

  "God is Great and Good"

Praise God from Whom
all blessings flow
healing, health, joy, peace
may they to each
never cease.

Tears cried alone, so sad
need loving arms
an understanding ear
God provides
wiping away the last tear.

Broken hearts, broken homes
tired minds, souls
guts that ache, yearn
for hope, love
people who need a good turn.

God is great, God is good
let us thank Him
for holding our hand
when plodding
through crisis' lonely barren land.
dc riggs  9 jan 04

  "Retouched Sayings"

Trouble rides a fast horse
good news travels
a bit slow
confusing it is of course.

Justice is blind they say
to be impartial
or not to weep
when injustice men play.

A woman's temper, thin?
when aroused
she can be
as angry as a wet hen.

You can't teach a dog
new tricks
but a man is
neither a dog or a frog.

Children should be seen
when they are bad
punished, but praised
when their goodness is keen.

Old sayings are like a horse
steady in their travels
generation carry on
this sometimes wise force.
dc riggs  10 Jan 04

       "The Old Face"

He looked to me quite old
this man
I once knew
as vibrant and bold.

What was the transformation
a divine power
or the toils of life itself
from hope, a demarcation?

Was it love, a shattered illusion?
for it is well known
that love
is more powerful than fusion.

Was it failure of body or mind
that brought defeat?
they bear it not well
these decedents of humankind.

The wrinkles, the spreading gray
so easy I remember
when the hair
was the color of new cut hay.

Yesterday slipped away somehow
now I feel alienated
made to be apart
as in the fate of the mad cow!

Who is he? What does he want?
is he a pilgrim traveler?
a man with a quest?
or does he only dreams haunt?

I looked, I saw what I could see
the haunted lonely face
viewed with a tear
for the face in the mirror was me.
dc riggs  12 jan 04

    "Raindrop from on High"

The raindrop fell from up on high
it landed on her forehead
as if a tear
somehow had now gone awry.

It ran, as tear drops will often do
down her nose
to form a drop
falling, its course ever true.

The moistness of her sweet lips
called to me
as would do memories
of other times, other grand trips.

Love in a thunderstorm, how great
to see the majesty
Creation's glory
the joy of life, may it never come late.

Thoughts come with the raindrop
that, as did she
both falling from God's heaven
may our love never cease, never stop.
dc riggs  12 jan 04

        "End of the Alice May"

Paint peeling
no more is her ships bell
loudly ringing
for she is beached
this vessel
called the "Alice May"
after sailing
many a nautical mile
bringing to others
the joy of sail, a sweet smile
her timbers they rot
but somewhere
others remember
when she sailed
this ship called the "Alice May"
the sea and the ocean's edge
and people
would watch and say
there sails
that lovely little ship
her owners pride
and joy
as the clouds did salute
her sails
the day's glory not to dilute
but now the rot grows
as does the grass
her holed side
holds no promise
there is no more dealing
her glory is gone
and her worn paint is peeling.
dc riggs  12 jan 04

  The Church Celebrating Two Lives

Celebrating two lives in Christ
one mourning his passing
the other, cheering a new beginning
joy and sadness mingle
within each heart
causing the soul to tingle.

Earthly death overtakes us all
the body spent
the vibrant soul goes on
to be with God
no more
bound to the earthly sod.

Baptism marks the beginning
of a life of faith
of what God will do
the future is distant, faint
her journey is begun
to serve her Lord as a Saint.

When his life became finished
his story still inspires
for family, friends, Church, Nation
his deeds fill many a page
but like a book reread
touches hearts, as befitting a sage.

Her life, God has begun His writing
his life, in heaven begun anew
tears of sadness, of joy
swell up in the human heart
mixed, bitter sweet
a good race finished, a good start.
dc riggs  18 Jan 04

"Life, Shouldn't be a Problem"

Shouldn't be a problem
a statement
a hope
or an idle question
you won't find
yourself out on a limb.

It is not true that life
comes without
a guarantee
for there is no question
that he who
is born
can have joy or strife.

And to every bit of sod
shaped into a man
birth and death
are more than a lesson
just as heaven
and hell
are as real as our God.

As to the final destination
each must choose
for Jesus is
the answer, not the question
and man's choice
is the factor
that makes the determination.
dc riggs  19 Jan 04

    "Fulfillment in Completeness"

In the heart of each man and woman
a hope for fulfillment in
each of God's own
a desire to be whole, complete
never to walk alone.

Their is a union between a man
and a woman
two lives, unique
but still neither is complete.

In time children come, blessings
a family true
with hope to be carried
into their tomorrow
but their incomplete is not buried.

The seasons come, seasons go
God's call rings true
come to Me in joy or in sorrow
through Jesus, My Son
I know you as I do even the sparrow.

Through Him, I made man and woman
on the Cross He died
to give to each eternal life
to make you complete
My goal, since Eden's sinful strife.
dc riggs  25 Jan 2004

"My Love Is Like The Rose"

My love is like the rose
that grows
in the early spring
before the summer's heat
tries to burn all
life itself to fully defeat.

Her petals are soft
her lips
wonderfully sweet
grateful am I
for the day we did meet.

The thorns that rip the skin
one's very soul
those sharp barbs that tear
are not hers
but life's realities laid bare.

For within a lovely body
is a lovely soul
to honor, to cherish, to hold
if this lanky fellow
could ever be so very bold.

Yes, my love is like a rose
touching my heart
as rain kissing the desert
bringing life
sweeter, than the finest dessert.
dc riggs  25 Jan 04

   "Love Can Fade"

Take care dear one
I'll be around
he waited, she waited
the story as old
as love's sweet sound.

Were the tender moments
forgotten somehow
as their world
rushed on
in a maddening swirl?

The embrace at sunset
when beauty
flooded the sky
and love
was resident in each eye.

Tender lips, loving words
hearts in tune
lovers drifting apart
so sad
that it tears on the heart.

He waited, she waited
who blundered?
if one would but talk soon
but each waited
and love, died by noon.
dc riggs  28 Jan 04

  "Good dear Friend"

Good Morning dear Friend
dawn comes
to herald the new day
yesterday faded
into the sunset now past
this day is here
but beware
it will not last
and we must know the wisdom
of ages now gone
that to seize the moment
we must realize
that this moment or day
is truly here
for we cannot live
in tomorrow's
unfulfilled dreams
nor in the past
neither with its joy or fear
for our true now
is not near
it is fully here
and must be faced
with positive motivation
thus I say ever sincere
Good Morning my dear Friend.
dc riggs  29 Jan 04

    "Decision Time"

He faced off with Death
who dealt him this fateful hand
threatening life's breath?

His impulse was to run!
but "Why"
his insides did cry
if the ending is now begun.

Lostness, rejection, his hurt
welled up inside
for from failure we can't hide
when we feel like dirt.

He owned the decision now
tiredness muddled
reasoning somewhat befuddled
dull as a worn old plow.

Safety lay close, step aside
some few would mourn
pity, the day he was born
into life's grisly tide.

Wicked man, Sad, a Lonely man
as suddenly Death's pace
came, face to face
where was grace's "love can?"
dc riggs  29 Jan 04

        "Two Lives and Love"

Love, the whisper, Love the cry
of young and old
those who for love do sigh
those embracing it, brave and bold.

Two hearts, caught in a ring of fire
not to be burned
upon a funeral bier
heart's love, given, it cannot be earned.

Moonlight serenade, Moonlight kiss
the loving embrace
the lucky fellow, lucky Miss
for love is a joy of the human race.

Fate? the hand of God? or Chance?
that brought them together
in love's own dance
male, female, not birds of a feather.

Unique souls, minds, fascinating folk
were they meant for each other
this Lady and her bloke
what think their father and mother?

No shotguns needed, Not here!
for love abounds
foolishly, it has no fear
Listen! It's joy everywhere sounds!

Love shouted, Love stated very plain
each for the other
in joy, sadness, grin and pain
each glad, they're not sister and brother.
dc riggs  29 Jan 04

  "The Broken Rowel"

Broken rowel
the remains of a spur
did it belong
to a him or to a her?

Wasteland wanderland
did he drift through here?
rough and ready days
when abounded pain and fear.

Did he own
more than his horse
a drifting man
using a star to set his course.

Lonely wind
the campfire's flicker
did love ever call
and tickle his heart's ticker?

Broken rowel
all that remains
perhaps under this sod
rest, his remains.
dc  riggs  29 Jan 04

    "From My Place of Prayer"

It doesn't have a towering steeple
Cross lifted high
to call all unto Christ
hearts humbled
but our spirits lifted ever so high.

Mine is my own simple heart
me simple mind
bowed in a holy time of prayer
to our Creator
in Whom, all hope we find.

And I pray for you dear friend
your needs unknown
and known, as sands of time
change life's face
less the weeds become grown.

Life's package should come
with a ribbon of love
to bless with grace each life
as we find God's will
Who reigns inside and above.

A score, a bushel, a ton, a lot
of blessings and more
be yours, each and every day
this I ask of our God
as I kneel at prayer's open door.
dc riggs  31 Jan 04

    "From My Place of Prayer"

It doesn't have a towering steeple
Cross lifted high
to call all unto Christ
hearts humbled
but our spirits lifted ever so high.

Mine is my own simple heart
me simple mind
bowed in a holy time of prayer
to our Creator
in Whom, all hope we find.

And I pray for you dear friend
your needs unknown
and known, as sands of time
change life's face
less the weeds become grown.

Life's package should come
with a ribbon of love
to bless with grace each life
as we find God's will
Who reigns inside and above.

A score, a bushel, a ton, a lot
of blessings and more
be yours, each and every day
this I ask of our God
as I kneel at prayer's open door.
dc riggs  31 Jan 04

     "Beached Boat"

A beached boat, not a frying pan
left upon the sand
was it owned by a seafaring man?

Was its owner, its captain ever true
a man of the land
who didn't know what to do?

Or was he a lover, in search of a she
holding a wedding band
love's heartfelt sigh, his only plea!

Perhaps it was a she and not a he
coming to his land
so there lonely hearts, united can be.

If it is love that brought he or she here
life will not be bland
as joy over comes the sorrowful tear.

But it could be a matter of revenge
blood to be spilt on the sand
the brave will face it, the weak will cringe.

The story of the beached boat told
imagination on demand
inspiring youth, entertaining when old.
dc riggs  31 Jan 04

       "God Is With Us Ever Near"

Jesus came teaching with authority
transforming people's lives
sinless, holy, His loving presence
touching, making whole
the intellectual as well as the dense.

Often there seems to be no footprints
in the sands of our lives
in loneliness
closes in around us
no laughter, no days of bliss.

There seems to be no visible presence
when our lives
crumble in desperation
the flower of hope
withers in a sea of desolation.

There seems to be no booming voice
to be heard in our lives
when sickness, pain, and death
invade our arena
suffocating us, stealing life's breath.

The presence, voice, and power of God
softly enters our lives
when we allow Him residence
comforting, loving
His Authority, our eternal defense.
dc riggs  31 Jan 04

   "January Now February"

And so now January good-bye
don't cry
for February is calling
a new month, new hope dawning.

It has been a month of highs
lows, joys, sighs
February is not spring
but still a time for us to sing.

To remember Presidents past
leadership that does last
Washington, Lincoln, giants
men of stature, not ants.

"'Tis Cupids month we know
as love does blow
across our heart strings
he sees her, his heart pings!

No mistletoe for love to live
Valentine's we freely give
lovers kiss
neither the other will dismiss.

Good-bye then, January Ought-four
quietly close the door
you gave memories in season
chapter closed, February the reason.
dc riggs  31 Jan 04