"The Yad"

Today might just be a yad
'tis a feeling
that I get within my head
where things
are turned a bit around
and a smile
is threatened by a frown.

It's not severe, just a tad
perhaps I should
have stayed longer in bed
or pause right now
and sing a delightful song
that's fluffy and light
until the ill feelings are gone.

To enjoy the day of the yad
backwards? Yes!
something many might dread
is liberating
if I allow it to set me free
to laugh and love
to laugh! to love, to simply be.
dc riggs © 3 Feb 05

"When A Monitor Needs Cleaning"

My monitor screen was dirty
a cleaning
inside out was the need
but who
could do this wondrous deed?

My desk was likewise a mess
papers piled
some stacks high as a mile
I say that
to bring to the reader a smile.

Disaster waited in the garage
what might lurk
under a this or a that
skinny perhaps
or dangerous and fat?

Often our lives need a cleaning
is some form or the other
but what will remove the dirt?
is there a magic cleaner
if so, then who will give the squirt?
dc riggs © 3 Feb 05

   "Breakfast, 4 February"

A breakfast, a breakfast
fit perhaps not
for King or Queen
or even a Prince
but a breakfast nonetheless
pancakes light
with an egg
softly cooked
truly a nice delight
and coffee
hot, properly strong
though some would say
that it is hard
by coffee to do wrong
unless it be so weak
that it is not fit
to drink or even to see
yes, even coffee
can be brewed bleak
no bacon
nor sausage abound
just a simple breakfast
at my table
was this morning found
no Prince
nor the crown of King or Queen
just me, neither first nor last.
dc riggs © 4 Feb 05

        "On Garbage Day"

The garbage, foul of smell
to take or not take
now that is a stupid question
for it reeks
as my senses do tell
whether it be nobler in the mind
the stench to endure
or to take the bag
it its own special trolley
to the street
so that there on the paved way
the garbage folks
it will meet
as away, and away
they take it
to that distant garbage heap
where it rots and burns
as many of mankind types
will do in hell
though they smelled not
while upon the earth
as if long rotted dead fowl
but inside
were Godless or anti-God
so to my task I went
the odor foul
to remove, so it is gone
as flowers bring fragrance sweet
a joy to my senses when they meet.
dc riggs © 4 Feb 05

      "Beauty's Touch"

It was that touch of beauty
that came my way
not simply
though abundantly there
in the Lady
with skin so fair
soft hair, sweet lips
but within
there burned a fire
the warmth
of love
gentleness, kindness
a softness
that defied description
but was real
and reached into my heart
what else can I say
it was that touch of beauty.
dc riggs © 4 Feb 05


breakfast, a beginning
of a solid hope
of a day yet to be

The morning
sometime after
the night that wasn't
but might have been
then comes
the morning.

dreams' substance
perfumed fragrance
a rope to hold

earth grown
needing sweetener
as does life
processing depletes
dc riggs  © 11 Feb 05

    "Two: Him and Her"

He held a broken heart
within his hand
his own
given in love
returned, torn and bland.

The future stretched out
lost-ness here began
he said
to his own self
never, never, ever again.

She cried over love
destroyed, gone
a heart of pain
off-key, flat is life's song.

Why is life so unfair?
she did cry
for him
as love came, left
who told her love's lie?

Then, a magic moment came
her face, her voice
his the same
each knew then
that the other is their choice.

Two hearts, two minds
different 'tis true
by love's chords
to life they say "we do."
dc riggs © 11 Feb 05


Two were once two
lonely ones
but, each two
wanted to
be with someone
to make
the each single one into
a duo
a loving two
it is very true
that each came to
the other
lonely, sad, blue
finding love so true
and united
to become a happy two.
dc riggs © 11 Feb 05

"Heart to Heart"

Weary heart, hurting heart
lonely heart
but touched by love
from afar
a communication miracle
a gift from God above
to humankind
amid the leads and wires
blood being drawn
it is love
which is not really blind
heart calls to heart
each special to the other
and fills the void
giving hope
many brighter tomorrow's
even when alone
in a crowded
curtained room
a bit lonely
heart weary, hurting.
dc riggs © 17 Feb 05

           "Being First"

Number One, Lord, Number One
in my life
be Number One
let me, help me to serve You
love You
for that is Your due.

Number One, Lord, Number One
of humankind
special lady, my Number One
in my life
bless her life
keep her from all strife.

The quest for love, Lord, for love
man for woman
a reflection of divine love
the right Miss
gives the him a kiss
bringing heartfelt bliss.

Everyone needs, Lord, to be First
in someone's life
or else life seems cursed
Your love for man
man's love for woman
for love gives power, the "we can."
dc riggs  © 18 Feb 05

     "A Pause on the Trail"

He paused on an unknown trail
a wandering man
neither old nor young
and looked back
from whence he came
a world of man
scampering as if rats
wanting, seeking
power, prestige, and love
yet giving little
enjoying even less
but this none would confess.

And he shivered. From fear?
In his heart was a tear.

His eyes looked to his now
on a trail to nowhere
wide open
desolate was it
neither sight nor sound
of another person
could be found
and here he could stop
but food and water
necessities, but mighty scarce
no water drop or bare bone
just him, him alone.

And he shivered. From fear?
In his heart was a tear.

He looked ahead on this trail
the different paths
yet he could not tell
if they led anywhere or nowhere
but here is where he stood
and here could not long remain
but he was a simple man
needing not prestige or power
merely love
to be loved and to give
as in Eden, God did first intend
man, woman, God's blend.

God's hand quells fear
and He will wipe away each tear.
dc riggs © 19 Feb 05

           "Shifting River of Life"

The shifting sands of the river of life
riverman's joy, fear
threatening to beach the soul
or hole the same
so that a person sinks beneath waves
created by unseen hand

And life is lived in wonder
as some of us as nomads wander.

She of happy tortured past
mistakes in course
affecting attitude and altitude
escaping, she did wed
she loved and lost, O' her pain
midnight tears cried also at noon.

We dare to seek someone's love
its our way, fashioned by Him above.

He too sought love, in purest form
though pure himself
he knew and professed to be not
but love turned sour
indifference the standard rule
exceptions rare, to buy what was needed.

Love is not a means to buy
when so used, brings death, an eternal sigh.

God in His wisdom, maybe with mirth
brought two lonely hearts together
their love had a wonderful birth
but each had scars, very deep inside
but in each other's arms, could safely abide.

Hope springs eternal from the well
and rides in glory the ocean's swell.

The shifting sands of the river of life
friends, lovers, sail their course
guided by His hand divine
in a world gone insane
pains, disasters, these come, go
their love remains, ever true.

Bless dear God those who did meet
learned again to love, cherish, at Your feet.
dc riggs © 21 Feb 05

  "Sun Warms His Face"

The breeze tossed his hair
the sun warmed
his body
as well as his face
for in this life's journey
he found his resting place.

A mother's darling boy
a dad's son
his future, hope
dreams and fears
with joy and tears.

As a young man, good things
he sought
love and stability
a sweet tender kiss
from his love
theirs to be a life of bliss.

Dreams fade, fade, vanish
with time's passing
the solid man wanders
love lost, laughter gone
hope dwindles
where went life's song.

He was aimless, but innocent
just a wandering cowboy
the sun warms his cold face
the man without hope
just dangling
at the end of a rope.
dc riggs © 23 Feb 05

         "Two Lives Joined"

Two lives, two pasts, two futures
in love become combined
families, faiths
hopes, magnificent dreams
for him, for her
visions of tomorrow
wrapped in heartfelt love
where each will
understand the other's fears
laugh together
kiss away each other's tears
pray together
in unity with our Creator
two of God's
human trees growing
merging, joyously budding
bringing the fruit of life
and blessings all of the earth.

He, She, saw that they could
God saw them, pronounced it good.
dc riggs © 23 Feb 05

    "The Smell Still Haunts"

I still smell burnt chicken
the smell
seems to linger in the house
to have cremated so
makes me seem such a louse
is it guilt or shame?
no matter
for 'tis of my own making
the chicken cried not
being quite dead
so it is me
who lives the feelings instead
as the memory
creeps up sinus walls
into the mind
and my foolishness
absentmindedness comes
to haunt the hour
but it is a minor things
any real power
but yet, so very odd
that the smell
despite candles burning
of the burnt chicken.
dc riggs © 24 Feb 05

  "Dance With the Lord"

Come, dance with me
said the Lord
the Lord of Life
and I will give you energy
take the hand
of another
as I give synergy
follow My steps, please
dance to my tune
for I am
the Lord of Life's Dance
from birth
to beyond the grave
if you dance
with Me
so don't let your feet
stray, stray away
stay close
with your hand
in Mine
and dance, dance
to My tune
for I am the Lord of life
your God and Lord
so come, dance with Me.
dc riggs © 24 Feb 05

  "She Roped His Heart"

Scuffed boots, cowlick hair
awkward, afraid
not of steers or storms
drought or snakes
but of the pretty filly
in petticoats and lace
the one with the lovely face.

Two right feet or are they left?
stumbling through
the doesy-doe
listen to the caller, then
wheel her to the left
or should she go right?
don't worry, don't die of fright.

Young man, scuffed  boots
but her choice
he has none
for he is hooked
she roped his heart
and will give some thought
to when they will tie the knot.
dc riggs © 24 Feb 05

    "The Hand of God"

Into the hands of God
we commit ourselves in humility
although He may grin
as we say and do
things that show only stupidity
His love is wrapped
around our tiny hearts
and His hand
guides us, protects us
as we walk
here and there on sea or land
then as fears
of unseen things assail
and heartaches and breaks
invade our peace
He wipes away the tears
and in the long run
it will be His will that will prevail
for all upon the earth
and heaven's joy
will be given, God's presence
to those who in Christ
have had their second birth
and are held
within the palm of our loving God.
dc riggs  copyright 25 Feb 05

  "Barrier of Barbed Wire"

Fence post, barbed wire
beyond it, a tree, shade
a barrier to a wandering man
yet, not so very far
can he make it? probably can
to lie down, rest
to day dream
of his sweet love
as he watches
the clouds floating by above
that she is not there
to be by his side
to share the moment
joy's own tide
would flood around them
as in each other's arms
the found true bliss
in loving eyes
the taste of a sweet kiss
so remains, the tree, the shade
and the barrier of the barbed wire.
dc riggs  copyright 26 Feb 05
copyright dc riggs  2005