"The Beginning of a Day"

It was dawn, the beginning of morning
yet no sun appeared
for the clouds had penned
old man sun in.

As darkness blanked the land
there was silence
no clamor of traffic was heard
nor even the chirp of a bird.

A lone candle gave its light
breaking the dark
and casting shadows on the wall
to the imagination they call.

I marveled at the sound of silence
as it almost rung in my ears
then her weight shifted
and the darkness of itself lifted.

Two lovely eyes greeted me
and her smile
lovelier than the dawn
gentler, than a new born fawn.

Softly my fingers caressed
her cheeks
felt the softness of her skin
to be praised in the world of men.

Slowly, deliberately, gently
I then lowered my head
our lips did meet
in a moment naturally sweet.

Oh, the miracle of the kiss
sweeter than honey
yet nonfattening, ever delightful
with methods ever plentiful.

Oh, the perfection of the moment
darkness, candlelight, silence
wrapped together in love we lay
a perfect beginning to the day.
dc riggs  2 Feb 04

      "Cold to Warmth, In Prayer"

I knelt down on a stone cold floor
my knees felt the chill
heart and mind it did fill
freezing my entirety, right to the core.

But the room was warm
carpet on the floor
as I came to prayer's door
words, wouldn't form.

Needs and want and worry
had brought me down
as an evil frown
stopping my forward hurry.

Sobs, heaves, the isolated word
came out
without a shout
but my prayer was heard.

For my God reigns above
but also within
He cleanses from sin
and gives His divine love.

I prayed for myself, for my friend
for near strangers
who faced life's dangers
then came to the last word, the end.

Warmth filled my woeful heart
love's dazzling radiance
a gentle healing brilliance
erasing the pain of worry's dart.

Praise God! From Whom all blessings
come to them that pray
that trust, on Him burdens lay
faith in Christ, more than window dressings.
dc riggs  2 Feb 04

       "Our Garden"

My garden
the "Garden of Despair"
where rocks and thorns bloom
a harsh place
at times a place of prayer.

My garden
you must understand
was of heart and of mind
not tangible
but ever so real
here my hopes I sought to find.

My garden
where He came to pray
with internal power
that broke rock, choked torn
brought a sense of
God's Holy Temple, mighty tower.

His garden
where He sweat His blood
at what was to come
what He would do for me
Salvation, rich, free
in Him, my new life begun.

My garden
where I prayed this day
for you my friend
for your problems, cares
worries, heartaches
that peace be yours, with no end.

Our garden
where we meet with Him
amid flowers of joy
finding His love, His laughter
His hope, now ours
the same for girl and boy.
dc riggs  4 Feb

       "Death Came Early"

Her place was there but empty
the dinner table set
the food ready
nothing left to get.

The family gather together
grace certain to say
for her teachings
remain, even to this day.

She taught them faith, hope
duty, and a sense of joy
she gave equal weight
to both the girl and the boy.

Birth pains long over, gone
life, she gave them
her husband. her mate, love
it never grew dim.

Death came early, too early
if older she had been
it would be early even
if she was a hundred and ten.

Tears of grief, its lonely valley
to time give way
to warm memories of "then"
what else can we say.

In the table of the heart
everything is set
her presence still felt
for love, never lets us forget.
dc riggs   5 Feb 04

   "Love Brings Hope"

We slept by the river
my love and I
campfire softly burning
shed a soft
and very gentle light
far softer
than burned my love
for it was
Oh, so very bright
as the darkness
held no fears
for love
holds hope firmly
in its hands
whether in a city
dirty, grimy
or a hamlet small
or like here
where my love and I
slept together by the river.
dc riggs  5 Feb 04

        "In The Shadow"

There is a sadness in shadow
the dark memory
of the past
of what we didn't sow.

There is a peace in the shadow
where sun doesn't beat
and burn the brow
and the gentle breezed does blow.

There is softness in the shadow
the harshness of life
does fade away
just ask the fawn and the doe.

Love is found in the shadow
where lips meet
passions sparkle
as the sunset spreads its glow.

Join me in deepening shadow
as day comes to an end
perhaps after the rain
and see with me a rainbow.
dc riggs  5 Feb 04

  "Softly in the Dawn"

Touch softly in the dawn
when the wind
kisses the leaves
on the tree
bringing a whisper
of new life
a wonder of nature
this thing
called life
be still
feel God's presence
moving, moving, moving
over the land
still shaping, creating
with His
invisible hand
as we watch, listen
and follow
HIs example
in the gentle wind
touching softly in the dawn.
dc riggs  6 Feb 04

          "Enjoy the Crazy Days"

Crazy days, sound sleep at night
all part of the pilgrimage
beginning at dawn
when we greet
the day, greet life
with a yawn
coffee hopefully strong
bleary eyes
that become tired eyes
by day's end
success, failure
in the long run does
it matter?
if it does, then
one may someday become
Mad as a Hatter
for we sweat the small stuff
ignore things that matter
and fail
our short lives to enjoy
these never ending
crazy days
followed by sound sleep at night.
dc riggs  6 Feb 04

  "The Shadow and Me"

I walked a long lonely road
hard packed
with no place of abode
when I met
a Pilgrim Shadow
the earth here below.

Where are you going?
said he
and moving so slowly
from here to there
upon a simple fare.

The question, Oh, the question
never asked
as to my future destination
was my simple reply
for it was true
I thought I'd wander till I die.

"The past cripples you my friend"
said he
"leading toward a bitter end"
pity a life wasted
yet, thus in truth was mine
to mankind or Himself divine.

We talked long, the Shadow and me
I cried, prayed
and from the past got free
purpose, hope
a vision of love yet to be seen
transforming me into someone keen.

I've often remembered, wondered
about the Shadow
why that day, there I wandered
into his path
was it fate, or divine destiny
but he like my future
proved the joy of serendipity.
dc riggs  6 Feb 04


We fished, we fished, and fished
nothing but toil
and sweat
if this were a contest
we'd lose the bet.

Then came Jesus, and the crowd
He was speaking truth
they wanted to hear
but we were the fishermen
and failure was our fear.
"Cast your nets over there"
the carpenter's son said from shore
where the water's deep"
Silly! WE fishermen knew!
But His command we did keep.

The boat it was filled to sinking
a miracle indeed
But then He said to "Come"
and we followed Him
fisher's of men to become.

The world of fishing is not the same
the world of mankind is
and its fishermen He is needing
sharers of faith
for this hell bent world is pleading.
dc riggs  7 Feb 04

       "Him and Her and Apart"

The clock has struck another hour
another day is through
and my thoughts
turn to her
whom I use to call, "you."

The day is finished, now gone
dishes done, sleepy time
and thoughts turn
to him
once my rhythm, my rhyme.

A him and a her, the end
of another lonely day
by mutual agreement
who told who to stay away?

Or perhaps it wasn't a fight
of words or attitude
fatal, final
love can sometimes be crude.

A her and a him, love still burns
within it does reside
though they may love deny
it is still there
no matter how they try to hide.

Midnight comes, calendars turns
each bed is half full
or each bed is half empty
a mile or many miles
cannot destroy love's pull.

Tear drops on her pillow
silent sobs in his
will daylight
bring back laughter?
will either find again love's fizz?
dc riggs  10 Feb 04

  "The Pathway We Choose"

We travel the pathway of life
but once in a lifetime
being touched
it's life meter and rhyme.

Opportunities come, they go
laughter and tears
purpose, fun
mingle with our fears.

Each day is a new day indeed
not ever a true repeat
full of choices
that lead to victory or defeat.

I've made my choices, daily
some good, some bad
lived with them
enjoyed the success
suffered through the sad.

Yet hope springs eternal
within my heart
each day
brings a chance to choose
for life is not passive
and in it, I have a vital part.
dc riggs  11 Feb 04

  "Air Force in the Flag"

The Blue in the Flag
is Air Force Blue
standing for airmen
and families
to our Country ever true.

The Red stripes in the Flag
is Air Force Red
for blood, toil, tears
given in service
prayer, worry, support
by them, our Nation is fed.

The White stripes of the Flag
are Air Force White
purity, honor, and dignity
of people, families
a part of our Nation's might.

The White Stars, of the Flag
are Air Force bright
guiding us onward, upward
to better days
the result of service given
blessed by God's divine light.
dc riggs  12 Feb 04

    "Five Senses of Love"

Love is blind someone said
a seeing soul
wanting to see by touch
for that
means so much
in tenderness love is led.

Love is deaf, did anyone say?
even for the hearing
for the ill timed comments
if heard
bring heartfelt laments
the sorrowing heart cannot play.

Love is smell, well, isn't it?
each soul a fragrance
lover known
enjoyed in night's dark
if love is full grown
and not just liking a bit.

Taste, we must remember
lips so sweet
as is too warm flesh
if caressed
when lives do mesh
alive from January to December.

Beauty is in the beholder's eye
be it him or her
for the lover's eye sees
beyond the scar
to the soul if you please
inner beauty does not tend to lie.
dc riggs  13 Feb 04


a word that denotes
a leak
something not sealed
where you might
not be able
to look in
and take a peek
but the insides can come
but not in a rush
which may
depending on content
bring a blush
or a smile
depending on whether
it be oil from the ground
sewage from a tank
or to be found
in the mind
of a man
the desire to steal
a kiss
from herself
the lovely Miss
who gives a happy blush
or not
the idea she may
want to flush
depending on the him
from whence
the thought slowly
dc riggs  15 Feb 04

    "Put Your Little Foot"

Put your little foot of faith
a question not asked
even by those
who go to God, Himself
in time of prayer.

We ask, for this
and for that
but do we seek direction?
or simply want
the good things of life
so we can be happy and fat?

Prayer, pure prayer
seeks not
but searches for the "Who"
the great I Am
Himself cool, an item hot.

Prayer, humble prayer
ask for direction
not to have, but to become
what He wants
for us
yet often, He gets rejection.

Isaiah, saw the Lord, lifted up
saw the plight
of mankind ever so low
begged to be sent
to reach them
that they might know His light.
dc riggs  15 Feb 04

    "Love Me Tender"

Love me tender, love me dear
love me child of mine
is this not what
our Lord says to us
as He calls us to life sublime?

Love me tender, love me true
all my dreams for you
let me fulfill
for I would live in within
your heart, my home 'tis true.

Love me tender, be real
love me long
a lifetime of living
is what I call you to
this is eternity's own song.

Love me tender, ever true
for my love
on the Cross I gave
to you my child
that you might reign above.

Love me tender my Valentine
though the day be past
for I give to you
the only gifts
that will forever truly last.
dc riggs  15 Feb 04

         "Noah and the Elephants"

Noah, faithful Noah, blessed Noah
didn't miss a beat
he even
counted eight
when watching the elephant's feet.

Their trunks were well packed
these pachyderms
I wonder
if Noah brought two
of those wee things called germs?

Big trunks, big ears, big eyes
but a little tail
maybe for little flies
only God knows
but that might be another tale.

Noah the brave, Noah the fearless
Noah the bold
with an Ark full of animals
at least he didn't worry
of suffering from the cold.

Little Noah and his family
elephant's big feet
challenging, take heart
never accept
squashing or possible defeat.
dc riggs  17 Feb 04


I sit alone
the silence gathers
day is long past
the shadows lengthened
into night
dark is its tone'

It is done
the thing called day
for good
or not so good
can the latter
ever again be undone?

What, pray tell
did I do, if any
a question
demanding answers
before the midnight bell.

Father, Forgive me
of sins done
good, left undone
left unanswered
for only sleep I see.

Day begins with dawn
and hope
dew blessed green
will spring
within my soul
even if I still yawn.

Help me be
of tomorrow
of friendships true
and of love

if it comes to me.
d riggs  18 Feb 04

    "Korea, Still Forgotten"

Forgotten War, Forgotten Men
forgotten women
who to their Flag
their Nation
were faithfully true
how young they were
when that war, conflict did begin.

Sandwiched, thin filling between bread
a world war
and the shadows of Viet Nam
they bled, suffered
froze and died
many prisoners in a foreign land
living hearts, spirits dead.

They served, became lost in history
not praised, ignored
by a world
very tired of war
now their bodies are tired
worn, aged, some still scared
and few care about their living misery.
dc riggs  23 Feb 04

  "The Hour is Late"

The hour is late
body, mind, and soul
tired? no debate
evening prayers said
what's left
but book and bed?

Desires swirl within
where do they begin?
What is the longing, why?
would it help
to shed a tear or to cry?

Morning sun follows dawn
greeting the buck
as well as doe and fawn.
Fish will jump is the stream
flashing in the light
as if in a painting or a dream.

A night for going nowhere
just as well
for somewhere, requires care.
Otherwise one can drift
with sand or tide
thought drifting gives not lift.

Silence wakes the dead
perhaps even me
to search for a taste of bread.
To fill this bodily crate
mind, body, soul
an inner thirst to fully sate.
dc riggs  26 Feb 04

  "Cowboy and Dixie Queen"

He stood there in the shadows
she was there
did she know his presence?
did he care?

Her beauty surrounded him
called softly
reminding him
of memories, ever lofty.

He was a cowboy, rather worn
she the filly
together, they'd walk
the land, be it flat or hilly.

But her mind was elsewhere
a moment mindless
his shadow not to see
yet her presence, him did bless.

The cowboy, The Dixie Queen
separated, together
a moment, an eternity
in calm or in stormy weather.
dc riggs  26 Feb 04

   "In A World of Men"

A little boy in a world of men
knee high
among giants
the powerless little
lost, forgotten
in the world of big might
those who block
the sun
making the brightness of day
into a shadowy night
his a world
of tops and toys
where girls are avoided
in a world of boys
while the big
seek girls of the same size
even as they play
with sophisticated toys
the immature
but which is sometimes which
it is beyond understanding
for a
little boy in a world of men.
dc riggs  26 Feb 04

      "Raindrops Falling"

Raindrops falling on my head
bringing nature
down my neck, my back
enough said.

Raindrops falling on the roof
makes me sleepy
soothing is the rhythm
napping is the honest proof.

Raindrops falling on the tree
bringing life
living green
grand for the eye to see.

Raindrops falling on both of us
bringing bodies close
sharing warmth
"Getting Wet Together" a plus!

Raindrops falling, from my bed
I hear, I listen
and dream of love's fare
things experienced, things I've read.
dc riggs  26 Feb 04

              "Pretty Lass"

Come to me, Pretty lass, Pretty lass
fill empty arms
and an empty heart
for too long
have we been far apart.

Dance with me, Pretty lass, Pretty lass
follow my lead
one two three, one two three
around we go
two hearts dancing light and free.

Kiss me my Pretty lass, Pretty lass
gently, slowly, long
with sweet lips
electrify my heart
as I feel the touch of your fingertips.

Walk with me, Pretty lass, Pretty lass
hand in hand, arm in arm
down the path of life
share with me
life's joy as well as its strife.

Be one with me, Pretty lass, Pretty lass
love's firm bond
two become a loving one
in the shadow of night
and in the bright light of day's sun.
dc riggs  26 Feb 04

   "Parade Ground Empty"

The parade ground is empty
bugles fail to sound
their moving call
as we bounced into day
with Reveille
when day was through
and done
were the things of duty
setting was
the long day's sun
then Retreat would echo
as all outside
come to attention
saluting our Nation's flag
signifying day is done
at last
then as night falls
officially ending the day
or marking the end
of a life
Taps, its haunting tune
would float
over the land
but those days are past
and for my life
but a living memory
for my parade ground is empty.
dc riggs  26 Feb 04

   "I Dared to Dream"

I dared to dream
of the moonlight walk
with her so special
with whom I can freely talk.

I dared to dream
of loving and cherishing
my special mate
she who my life is blessing.

I dared to dream
of a partner faithfully true
that for my happiness
would do all she could do.

I dared to dream
of the perfect lady, true woman
one with me in faith
who proudly says: "that's my man."

I dared to dream
but alas, I am simply simple
truly not grand
not drip dry, for I do wrinkle.

I dared and still do dream
for life is more
than what we think or feel
our dreams are our heart, our core.
dc riggs  27 Feb 04

       "I Was Wrong"

I was wrong
"about what?" you said
but it matters not
by my wrongness I was led.

It wasn't a difficult trick
I've had many years
of practice
with failure leading my fears.

To be right, perfect
this was a long ago goal
when but a youth
brash, confident, often bold.

To excel to the heights
of fame, fortune
but life in time plays
for many a different tune.

So I failed, so I learned
I'd say its progress in the making
pity those who never fail
for they go through life faking.

I was wrong
I admit it to you my friend
for I respect you, me
and find a beginning in each end.
dc riggs  27 Feb 04

     "A Man, A Woman"

A man, A woman
the moon
big, bold, bright
and they
two silhouette
dark shapes in the night.

A hug, A kiss
lovers together
with true passion
in good or foul weather.

Were she you, him me
the moon itself
the night would be perfect
could you love me
as I am
or would my love you reject?

Oh! To wonder! To wander!
build up, torn asunder
sure and doubtful
yet still in love
for you my heart does pull.

Come with me my dear love!
walk with me
upon the sandy shore
wind and sea
bless us together
and all we ask for, is more.
dc riggs  27 Feb 04

  "Were I To Go My Dear"

Were I to go down to the sea
to sail away
would you miss me?
would you care?
how much
would you miss
my tender loving touch?

Were I to climb the mountain
ever so high
would you wait by love's fountain?
for my return
calling my name in the night
feeling a darkness
knowing that I would bring light.

Were I to the hot, dry desert go
would you thirst
for me or call me your foe?
for me would you cry?
I would, for I'd miss you dear
my loneliness
to all around me would be clear.

Were I into poverty to ramble
an honest fall
for I am not a man to gamble
would you pray for me?
begging our Creator, our God
for my restoration
humble man that I am, shaped of sod.

I go not to these places, not yet
but I am here for you
unless your heart of another is set
and I wait, I want
for no one but you sweetheart
who makes me complete
putting together, even my broken heart.
dc riggs  27 Feb 04
February 2004
Poems by d.c. riggs