December 2006
copyright dc riggs 2006 all rights reserved
"Morning Came on Tippy-toes"

Morning came on tippy-toes
shadows of dreams
real? imagined?
sunlight not dispelling night's foes.

Shadows, lingering shapes
with power to amuse
or to scare
are they forms of internal scrapes?

Breakfast in its simplicity
protein, fiber, sweets
and milk
does not curb thoughts chilly.

Morning prayer, man and God talk
my heart to His
very simple
setting the tone for today's walk.

Morning came not on tipsy-toes
wins and losses
yesterday's sorrows
dispelled by Sonshine
in lives of mansions and ghettoes.
dc riggs  © 2 Dec 2006

       "The Cantata"

That moment of silence
brief, pregnant
then the music does begin.

A note, a vocal chord
note to note
as if friend to friend.

The sounds are stirring
soothing too
to the ear a perfect blend.

The Words! The Words
a message to hearts
a call that will also send.

Ministry through music
the needs of hearts to tend.

Gospel truths proclaimed
in a delightful way
the Faith to share, to defend.

Instruments and voices
in holy praise raised
earthly and divine to transcend.

Finale, then silence
fulfillment of the pregnant
a soul satisfying end.
dc riggs © 3 Dec 2006

  "If Cain Were Able"

If Cain had been able
to have offered
his very best to God
his brother
might have longer
this earth trod.

If Cain had been able
to purify his heart
attitudes so
he could be a friend
to many, to all
rather than becoming
an outcast for life's end.

If Cain had been able
to forgive
his brother's success
enjoying peace
happiness and joy
instead of his ungodly mess.

Cain was not Able
nor Able him
a decision written, done
a negative mark
yet an example for us
not to kill, nor from God to run.
dc riggs © 4 Dec 2006

  "Journey is the Reason"

We mark the season
forget the reason
fail to note the pilgrimage
from the here
to where we are going
but so often
we fail to see
the journey behind
that has led
to where we are
'tis a journey
year by year, very far
Mary, Joseph
their journey, like the wise men
was not simply miles
but faith
resulting in growth
thus changing the world
but we fail
not at being world changers
or shapers
but in not changing
ourselves, lives, our journey
for in not changing
we negate God
and shape our world
to do the same
thus we forget Jesus
the spiritual journey, pilgrimage
that is the reason
for this, the Christmas season.
dc riggs  © 5 Dec 2006

   "Remembering Pearl"

Death came knocking, knocking
on that Sunday morning
shattering the peace
of a Nation
in a peace-less world
that once had truly hoped
that wars would cease.

Ships, planes, bullets, bombs
Death falls from the sky
battleship row
Hickam Field, the rest
bodies mangled
as was the lifeless steel
death from our stealthy foe.

A Jewish lad, a Catholic Chaplain
the lad lives
for Father Al pushed him
through a porthole
though the Priest died
with his ship
heroics fill the cup to the rim.

Politicians, Imbeciles, Diplomacy
power struggles
greed, money, deceit, lies
where is the truth to be found?
in common lives
lived and lost in uncommon valor
under not so peaceful skies.
dc riggs  © 7 Dec 2006

  "Morning Sounds"

Ding Dong, Ding Dong
ring, ring, ring
the bells
of morning tide
work worried ears try to hide.

Get Up! Get Up! Reveille blares
shoot the bugler!
is the silence of sleep
restful peace so very deep.

What light through the window
this new day breaks?
silent crash
'Tis the dawn!
but the response is a yawn.

The rooster crowed! Again!
Again! and yet Again!
farmer's dismay
dumb bird should be thinner
found himself cooked for dinner!

Morning sounds abound
the sweetest
is lovers
their "I Love You" muddled
they sleepily rest and cuddle.
dc riggs  © 9 Dec 2006

    "Dear God"

Dear God of Perfection and Holiness
hear my heart
from the bottom
of life's pit
a soul so dry
it is not able to spit.

Dear God, Creator of order, not mess
grant mercy and grace
to me
head hung in shame
the havoc maker
who would be a giver
but in truth, is more of a taker.

Dear God, loving Father I confess
and ask cleansing of my hate
anger, indifference
cure me of the goof-up gene
let me be forgiving
of others and also of self
forgiven, by You, God of the living.

Dear God, our Lord who does bless
the unworthy soul
hear me as I stand alone
heart and head bowed
bankrupt in many a way
it is to You, Who is the "I Am"
that in Jesus Name, I humbly pray.
dc riggs  © 11 Dec 2006

  "To Be Born or Not To Be"

If I knew what I now I think I know
before I got out of bed
would I choose
to stay where I was instead?

What about the baby yet unborn
a newbie in this old world
if he or she could see
what lies ahead in that murky swirl.

Gloom, despair, and agony
is destined for each
but man is also designed
to have happiness and joy in reach.

To leave the womb or to stay
is not the choice of a child
whether their future
be ecstatic, pathetic, or mild.

Yesterday is past, the future
has not yet come
enjoy the gift of the present
rejoice my friend, don't be glum.
dc riggs  © 14 Dec 2006

Poetry List
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        "A Christmas Gift for Me"

What for me for Christmas this year?
I answer not in fear
for gadgets and gizmos
or high tech toys
is not what I truly seek
but a loving someone to cover
my sleeping form
when I nap upon the couch
to sit with in front
of a fireplace
discussing the day, life
the profound
the seemingly mundane
to walk hand in hand
with in sunshine
or in rain
to know the call of God
His purpose
for my humble life
to be a bringer
of peace into this world
rather than strife
to feel a horse between my legs
the thrill
of a jump well done
to touch another's life
by word or art
to express
what the mouth cannot speak
which only by the heart
can be heard
for each day to be
as a fine wine
rather than a stale beer
these I'd like to have this year.
dc riggs  © 14 Dec 2006

     "To Be Thawed"

Cold reaches in
inward moving
winter is not a thawing
but a time
when life is often freezing.

Cold reaches out
from a dead heart
moving and functional
but dead inside
directionless, not directional.

Winter of the soul
outside? inside? both?
better outside
when one a coat can choose
than the soul inside.

Love, winter's cold thaws
an embrace
or touching the cold heart
God's precious gift
ignored? yet in winter
it gives a true springtime lift.
dc riggs  © 2 Dec 2006


When I was weary
eyes bleary
breathe again
my senses I did query.

Blood, tired blood
sluggishly ran
in circles
breathe again
don't become a dud!

Accept life's great need
energy building
breathe again
there is your future's seed.

Know the Father, the Son
through Holy Spirit's
God's breath
and life will never be done.
dc riggs  20 Dec 06

  "Salute the Saints at Christmas"

A salute, A prayer, of Thanksgiving
for those few saints
who throughout the ages
have celebrated
the birth of the Christ
Lord Jesus
the babe in Bethlehem's manger
who to many "believers"
is still a stranger
for they found reason
for a party
giving but lip service
to His birth
yet to be born, live, to die
was the reason
He came to live on earth
the guest come
to the Christmas feast
the birthday child
is forgotten, lost, smothered
under their coats
so sad
but praise the Father
for the saints
who have been faithful
and true
His birth to celebrate
His will daily to do.
dc riggs © 25 Dec 2006