COPYRIGHT DC Riggs  December 2006
            "Where is the P"

Shuffle along, Shuffle along
your day is done
is your song
once you were a "will be"
now you are a "was"
where you ponder
was your time
of the present tense
and in your wee little bag
of the inner-self
is there a "P"
for "possibility"
and if you have any "potential"
what is it or will it be?
for even in the wastelands
of despair
anger, and frustration
the wandering soul
is available to God, Himself
unless my theology is wrong
it isn't
then life can be fun
even with a changing of the song.
dc riggs  8 Dec 05

           "Quite as a Snowflake"

He came into life as a snowflake
softly, quietly
light complexion
dark eyes
with a smile
bright as a candle on a cake.

Nice and good natured was he
no profanity
he didn't argue
but neither did he always agree
his vision was limited
he knew no future of what would be.

In the crowd was he lonely I wonder
no difference it makes
but everyone
seem to like him
an icon of things nice
not loud, as are people of thunder.

He left us, no longer would he play
for he slowly faded
to move from reality
to a memory
going as quietly as he had come
I wonder where he is today?

He supplemented many a life
with peace, in a world full of strife.
dc riggs  19 December 05

        "A Christmas Story"

Cradle and baby, donkey and sheep
wise men
traveling ever so far
by camel no less
for they had no type of car.

The journey was long, dangerous
for mother and child
wise men too
but each to their role
remained, in the Christmas story so true.

No Santa, no toys, no tree, and no sweets
just bare reality
with the giving of the gift
not an exchange
and this would give mankind a spiritual lift.

The gift? God's one and only Son
those who were wise
would later give a gift to God
out of love, reverence
for each man is more than a lump of sod.

The Giver, The Gift, the gifts, often forgotten
in the expanse of time itself
secular replacing divine
but in the realms of eternity
mankind finds, only the divine is fine.

So celebrate Jesus's arrival on the earth
as men and women wise, find in Him spiritual birth.
dc riggs  19 December 05

           "Someone to Kiss"

Mistletoe is something that I can find
but what of someone to kiss?
a more difficult task
for kisses
aren't made for a spree
but a gift, or gifts
between a he and a she
a physical bonding
between two loving hearts
with volumes
spoken in silence
between two sets of eyes
affirmed with hands
clasped together
partners exploring the journey
that each must make
between the cradle and the grave
on the road of life
made less lonely
as two travel as might one
together, neither one ahead or behind.
dc riggs  19 December 05

      "I Dare Ask Why"

I dare ask God "Why"
though perhaps I should fear
an answer of lightening and thunder
but when I ask
it is with a heart's tear
for I am simple
a man
shaped from the sod
loved I know
without a doubt
by my Creator, my God
for I don't understand things of life
the happenings, the timing
the flow of life from day to day
for I see through dark glass
He sees from on high
my life, others, He knows the whole
but in my limited vision
I find my hurt
where it seems life left a hole
which only He can fill
on His timetable
and so I wonder and I ask
to Himself at least
to most others
my life is a type of mask
but of Him who is love, I ask "Why?"
dc riggs  19 December 05

      "As Special As Christmas"

It came from God one Christmas
thought it had echoed
down the corridor of the years
in Jesus' birth
He said, "I Love You"
and His love
is still transforming hearts
here upon the earth
and I have found
that love in His spiritual voice
given to me
by His own choice
and have found
my earthly life enhanced
blessed, salvaged
by the special human sound
that from loving heart
says to me
"I Love You My Dear"
let us hold God's own hand
and we need not fear
either the moment or the future
it happens
not limited by the calendar
but is always as special as Christmas.
dc riggs  19 December 05

       "One Night Without Hope"

I struggled along the treacherous path
mile after weary mile
depleted energy
exhausted hope, no smile
my inner-self was cold! weary! helpless!
"Oh God!" I cried
"If You are real hear me! Help me!"
and my eyes lifted to the sky
Oh the stars! The stars!
wide, magnificent
then one winked at me
triggering thoughts
of a baby, a stall
wise men
hope, love, faith
gifts given
in the midst of poverty
The Christ Child, God's Child
Our Savior and Lord
and suddenly I was released
from the stench and bile
of my world gone mad
and with a song and a smile
my step was lighter, upon life's path.
dc riggs  21 December 2005

    "To A Poet I Write"

You write, I will read
sometimes digest
peaceful words
can even bring rest.

I think, sometimes before
I speak, write
that is usually the test
as to whether
I am able to do my best.

I write, I respond
brain cells connecting
to what I can only vaguely guess
when in haste
I can make an ugly mess.

Please write, I'll read
perhaps understand, more, not less
as your words
my life, in different ways, do bless.
dc riggs  27 Dec 05