"Why Do I Love You"

How do I love thee?
let me instead
explain the "Why"
for it is not
simply for your beauty
which I enjoy
nor just for intelligence
a smart Lady you are
it's not for money
we are both
rather a bit broke
nor for your lovely voice
but I do listen
should I say speak or spoke
either way
I cherish what you say
just as I relish
your tender touch
to my heart
it means so much
and your love for simple me
insanity must be your plea
Why do I love you?
because you are you my dear
and for all of these
plus more
if I were to lose you
the desert would drown
under the flow of danny's tear.
dc riggs © 1 Dec 2004

  "Cockles of My Heart"

Your love warms my dear
the cockles
of my wee heart
whether we are together
or far apart
were I a chivalric dandy
of olden times
I would wear your name
upon my sleeve
but in truth my love
it is written
in the folds of my heart
and how glad I am
that the heart
displaced the liver
as emotion's
solid or shaky seat
for I can say
without awkwardness
that you my love
have touched my heart
I love you my dear.
dc riggs © 1 Dec 2004

      "Bugle Notes Ringing"

The bugle, ringing loud and clear
in the frosty morning air
"Troopers rise"
'tis a day's duty to do
often dull or fair
sometimes exciting
mixtures of thrill and fear.

Let me sleep! Let me sleep!
the troopers sigh
but there are
no civilians here
horse soldiers riding by
in dirty shirt blue
the destiny of a Nation to keep.

Water filled bugle easily frozen
can't blow 'til thawed
smart troopers
catching a few winks more
never awed
by their imagination
nor feeling part of the chosen.

They rode across a great land
across history blazing
a trail of sweat
and blood
their legacy is amazing
instruments of conquest, peace
true men, with grit and sand.
dc riggs © 3 Dec 2004

           "Not Romeo"

Romeo, Romeo, Romeo's not me
neither handsome
nor a great romantic
still I know
how to cause a panic
like a bull
browsing the china shop
I can stumble
or fall
and make a mess
so what is a redeeming plea?
for a simple man
for the sake of his love
is willing to walk on
burning coals or sinking sand
just for the honor
to kiss her delicate hand
or give her flowers
for a day turned sour
I'll take her and let Romeo be...
dc riggs © 3 Dec 2004

     "Could It Be Love"

My ears thirst for her voice
gentle soft words
that soothe
................could this be love?

She is my heart's choice
half of my equation
my better half
................could this be love?

Her lips, sweet and moist
are as honey to me
................could this be love?

When she is near I rejoice
when far away
I miss her
................could this be love?

She is structure, a strong joist
full of love and joy
perfect for me
................this must be love?
dc riggs © 3 Dec 2004

Click here: Lightning Bugs

         "Lightning Bugs"

Mason jars aren't for moonshine
God might decree
they are for Lightning bugs
in the summer's eve
with kids
chasing them about
and lovers
watching their flight
across the grass
and into the dark night
and for those older
not longer spry
with memories vibrant
though now live
as if afar
and God laughs
as if gentle thunder
at mankind
scampering about
with the bugs
He made of lighted tail
and He looks
at all with love, pride
and says
"it is good, it is mine."
dc riggs © 3 Dec 2004
    "In The Morning"

In the morning comes dawning
dispelling night's gloom
in the morning
comes daybreak
does it last until the noon?
in the morning
comes the voice
of my true love calling
saying to me
"My dear, I love you"
and my day
will go on and on
with a song
of gladness in my heart
for I love my love
and from her
never want to part
but the gloom of night
is upon me
the hour is past
the time for the yawning
and so I shall sleep
and wait
for her tender calling
which will come to me
in the morning
when life does bloom
with the new day's dawning.
dc riggs © 5 Dec 04

         "My Lady Fair"

I took a trip, in love entwined
to see my Lady fair
just to sit
and watch the sunbeams
play games
in her flowing hair.

The sun, bashful fellow I swear
hiding behind
the fluffy little cloud
came out a bit
to take a peek at her
her beauty to find.

He blew a kiss, not blind
is he, to my Lady fair
and the invisible wind
not to be out done
his movement
with her he did share.

He touched her flowing hair
gently, ever so kind
kissed her lovely cheek
with fluid motion
Oh, I marveled greatly
at the action, perfectly aligned.

When herself my God designed
He did so with love and care
perfection from head to toe
and wonder of wonders
is how and why, she loves me so
caring for my welfare.
dc riggs © 6 Dec 04

        "To Give"

I bought a gift to give
to you my dear
the goal
is to bring a smile
never a tear
a simple gift I know
but so am I
and within my heart
I have a sigh
of longing to be there
when it is opened
the paper unwrapped
I might cry
and would kiss you
to seal the gift
given from my heart
to you
who God to me did give.
dc riggs  © 6 Dec 04

      "Early Morning"

I woke before the dawn
head aching
though there had been
no night before
greeted life with a yawn.

I thought of my Lady fair
with memories
of the past
hopes for the future
and for her said a prayer.

I prayed for others I know
Tom and Jen
their coming cruise
for the ill, the hurt, family
for those on the go.

The day I faced, not very bold
the challenges
questions without answers
opportunities for growth
common for the young or old.

By worry or doubts be not fed
be positive, be bold
laugh, love, if all goes wrong
start again, after going back to bed.
dc riggs  © 8 December 2004

      "A Privy Thought"

Privy, a privy, the privy, privies
a realm of meaning
as an outhouse should be
secret, clandestine
a bit archaic
from what I can see
the Privy Council
advisors to the King
the Queen
but from the outhouse
for government executives
what more appropriate
place can there be?
but then I wonder
"if 'this is toilet paper?"
of which we speak
when we consider the ancient
"Privy Seal"
or better still think ye
of the Privy Purse
a world of intriguing
awaits those
who contemplate
privy, a privy, the privy, privies.
dc riggs © 11 Dec 2004

  "Shadowy Places We Walk"

'Tis a shadowy world, the past
things held tight
though gone
dreams, memories
good times
and the not so good
of what was
wondering what will be
and the tears flow
from the heart
for no one can understand
nor feel
that which is unique
nor share
but there comes a time
to put the burden
finally down
to be at peace with past
but what of future?
as down
a distant lane
a solitary figure prays
waits, waits
in the uncertainty
of the moment
for what else can one do
except love
and pray
for the future
also has its shadows.
dc riggs  © 12 December 2004

        "Our Meal"

Drink with me, a cup of tea
a glass of fine wine
evening comes
but to be
with my dear love
is a joy divine.

Porridge my Lady?
or me
for I am more delicate
than an egg
but frailty
is not my plea.

A confession my love
from my heart
guilty am I
if charged my dear
of love for you
together or far apart.

For the noon meal
I choose you
for my loving companion
food not required
your eyes my drink
your lips, dessert that's true.

Come love, Come!
dine, dine
with me my love
anytime, any day, any weather
the two of us
and a meal, so very fine.
dc riggs © 13 December 04

        "Love Speaks"

Her flowing tears! her tears!
from her heart
they flowed
filled with sadness
with anger
wrapped in blankets
of exceedingly great love
for Me! for Me!
O' Beware!
those who will harm me
with malice
or without if you please
for ignoring
my health will never
get her to bless
for she loves! for she loves!
this simple man
and he her
so likewise Beware!
if her you would harm
for a volcano's mighty wrath
will be your reward
but do my love any good
and receive my cheers! my cheers!
dc riggs  © 15 December 2004

"Where Are The Words"

My love I want to say
how much
I love you my dear
but the right words
in Webster
could not be found
for my love
that resides deep
within my beating heart
keeps its rhythm
with love's grand tune
so I'll say instead
how much I miss you
but again
for nothing
expresses emptiness
or the longing
to hear your voice
the need
to gently kiss lips
that perfectly fit and blend
with mine
or to tenderly hold
your loving hand
as we kneel
before our God in prayer
souls united
My precious love
how do I say
I miss the message
from your beautiful eyes
as you say
"I love you so much"
without a word
needing to be said
where Mr. Webster, please
are the right words?
which my heart
desires to my love to say.
dc riggs  © 17 December 2004

    "In Night's Middle"

The hour is very late
or very early
its truly
this night's middle
not a time for flute or fiddle.

Peanut Butter on bread
a glass of milk
I'll add
a touch of honey
but I want my true honey.

She who is soft, gentle
lips of perfection
is mine at each kiss
in her arms I find bliss.

Laugh at me? you laugh?
simple understanding
of love my friend
two hearts which blend.
dc riggs  © 17 December 2004

"My Merry Christmas Greeting"

The beauty of Christmas exists
for believers
and non
in different fashions
different ways
from Manger scene's glory
to Dickens' story
families gathering together
traditions varied
when life comes to a halt
for year's end
and even an enemy can become
a short term friend
and gifts
are given as did God
give his Son
in love
so my friend
acquaintance or stranger
I wish you the best
at year's end
as well as year's beginning
and to all accepting
my statement of simple faith
Merry Christmas to you
mercy, joy, peace, and love too.
dc riggs  © 23 December 2004

  "The Magic of Christmas"

The magic of Christmas need
never end
for we should be at heart
somewhat of a kid
yet sadly
we feel as adults
that we are beyond all that
and child likeness
is something to be hid
and in adultness
we in self-centeredness
grow fat
even as an eternity of stars
dance overhead
the Manger story we dismiss
for we who have grown
to be as God
can create our own bliss
but life slips by
age around us creeps
for we are but
simple ignorants of sod
wrapped as it were
in our own importance
so the magic of Christmas
we brought to an end
never realizing our own need.
dc riggs  © 25 December 2004

       "A Bit of Light"

Created by the living God
many miles away
a bit of sunlight fell to earth
how far it traveled
I cannot say
but on through the darkness
the utterly bitter cold
of space it came
to bring a bit of light
a bit of warmth
to this little sphere of sod
and kissed your cheek
my dear love
as came at morning
a new dawn
and the love of Him
our divine Father
who gave in perfect love
His only Son
blessed your life
for He is our living God.
dc riggs © 28 December 2004

  "When Christmas Is Over"

Christmas is over
leftovers soon to be gone
gifts unwanted
wrong sized and such
the humbugs
silenced for a season
but what is left in the wake?
in the beginning
the shepherds fear changed
to awesome worship
and they went their way rejoicing
while Mary pondered
all this in her young heart
but what of we? of us?
who leave the manger scene
as if godlessly facing
the New Year
pondering not a thing
worshiping within the realm
man shaped
pity all that is lost
when Christmas is over.
dc riggs © 28 December 2004
copyright dc riggs 2004