APRIL 2006
copyright DC Riggs April 2006
      "A Verse for Bubba"

The called him Bubba
the sleepwalking
bull-milking cowboy
who had a rope
he thought was a fancy toy.

Bubba told his folks, "Adios"
I'm heading west
"Well, You're Sixty-four"
his folks said, "maybe its time
you went out of the door."

Not too bright, but ready
was our Bubba
but he didn't know how
or have the knack
to put his rope on a Texas cow.

He was a boy of the Bronx
buried deep
under rich Texas soil
down the road
maybe he'll be a source for oil?
dc riggs © 7 April 2006

      "Replace the Anger"

Anger, frustration stirs the soul
ever mean, bold
taking away in greed
with life's relentless unfairness
and upon it to feed.

I know, I've been there
will be there again, 'tis human fare.

Oh the cruelty of man
to his fellow souls, a fire he fans
malicious, full of self-pity
though he may seem innocent
a docile male or even a sweet old biddy.

I've seen the hurt living intails
an attitude or a word often impales.

Physical Death has no sting
for the Lord's own! they His praises sing!
but unfairness can whittle
the strongest saint
death not by sword, but by a blade very little.

Seek freedom O' Man, O' Woman, Little Child
by God's love, mercy, and grace become beguiled
dc riggs © 12 April 2006

   "Moonlight, Storm, Dawn"

Moonlight from heaven's shore
flows down
to up turned faces below
eyes, hearts
praising God's Holy Name
a night with out moonlight's glow
is just not the same.

Yet in the storm and dark of night
God's presence seeps
into the believer's heart and mind
as lightening flashes
thunders gives its loud rumble
we feel His peace
though nature about us does tumble.

Then comes the dawn! The Dawn!
majesty unfurled!
as light breaks the bond of night
with glorious color
in the eastern rising of the sun
a foreshadowing
of the return of God's own Son!
dc riggs © 12 April 2006

         "Comes the Son"

In the cold dark of not quite morning
weary, sleep deprived believers
whose belief's had shattered
brokenness, brokenness
their's was a time of mourning.

The dawn brings the sun
faith, relationship heralds the Son!

They wanted to live, have their fill
their God, their destiny
a future, Carpenter assured
but He died, He died
obedient, to do His Father's will.

The Father's will must be done
for this reason came to earth His Son!

On the cross He suffered, He died
one life for the life of many
eternal life He brings, He gives
Praise Him! Praise Him!
yet in night's dark, the faithful cried.

Not an ending, but a grand beginning!
to those made one with God
dawn drew near, questions, tears, fears
His tomb found empty! Resurrection!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
for even over death He is reigning!

To break night's chain comes the sun
To destroy sins bondage, comes God's Son!
dc riggs  © 15 April 2006

   "The Jester's Heart"

He was but a jester fellow
thought of by many
as empty-headed
harmless and mellow
with a funny wit
or was that just a half?
it is true that he scurried a bit
here and there
making the pompous mad
while others laughed
putting away cares that were sad
but others could not see
deep in the heart
for it was hidden with his glee
the love he had for the lady
along with life's fears
for he would not
public display his tears
nor the desire of his heart to bellow
he was of simple mind
it was well known
he of the fool's laugh, the jester fellow.
dc riggs  © 15 April 2006

        "Remember Me"

Remember me when flowers bloom
thoughts that are good
without fears, tears
remember love's freshness
if in your heart there is still room.

The trees, the grass, the blue skies
even those cloudy times
filled with the promise of rain
we were wet, yet
the moment was grand
blessed is love's binding ties.

There is no need to have regret
the shack, once a house
weathered, worn, torn
for it is a reminder
over memories we need not fret.

Remember, though vibrancy does fade
as daily living fills the void
the girl and boy joy
that remains in the heart
after the flowers pass into time's shade.
dc riggs  © 24 April 2006

"Snowflakes, Bullfrogs, & Butterflies"

Snowflakes, bullfrogs, and butterflies
don't mix and match
but the need to call someone "dear"
is like a snowflake
delicate, floating down
needing things to be just right
if it is to survive life's fight.

Snowflakes, bullfrogs, and butterflies
there is no catch
for the simple lonely frog
somewhere out in a dismal swamp
needing her sunshine
to brighten the mood called "Blue"
a special love, a love ever true.

Snowflakes, bullfrogs, and butterflies
they in a funny way do attach
to each other, butterflies of love
flying around the heart
love's beauty in magnificent grandeur
wings stirring sleeping emotion
reflecting in each beat, a heart's devotion.
dc riggs © 28 April 2006

      "Laugh Clown"

Laugh clown! Laugh!
'tis your calling
even if weather is tearful
deep inside
or stormy or fearful
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

Laugh clown! Laugh!
bring a grin
a happy little chill
to adult, child
laughter heals the ill
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

Laugh clown! Laugh!
Big Top or Stage
remember your goal
to bring sunshine
to the young and old
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

Laugh clown! Laugh!
for life is worth the living
tell all the others
to enjoy each moment
holding hands, sisters, brothers
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

In character or even when out
Laugh! Quietly or with a shout!
dc riggs  © 28 April 2006

      "A Love Ever True"

Skies of deepest blue
this vast place called earth
each day
brings a new birth
flowers bloom
in the folds of spring
with vibrant color
they make the world ring
God formed, shaped
so long ago
this lump of celestial elements
His Spirit, to and fro
brought life
to all things great or small
and into the clay called man
God gave His all
and they each other enjoyed
God, man, and woman
a relationship divine more
intricate, delicate than a lace fan
and now, millenniums since
the relationship comes in the Son
to walk in unity and love
a walk eternal, never really done
eternity without a shadow
wrapped in God's love so true.
dc riggs  © 28 April 2006

I sought a word to grow
something positive
deep inside
a word of praise
of hope
but for this I could not ask
am I a dope?
my needs unable to raise?
to give them voice
so difficult, yet so needed
if forward in life I am to go.
danny 043006

     "Neither Chance or Top"

I spun and I thought, at first glance
the wheel of life
as it spun around and around
quickly it went
would it stop at a number
that would change, redirect me?

I watched it spinning, wobbling
and found hope hobbling.

Each day, like a game of chance
we know not
where the wheel will stop
we wonder
as momentum wanes
what the prize might be!

I watched it spinning, wobbling
and found hope hobbling.

Yet life is not a game, it is a dance
with God and others
there are no winning numbers
life is like a spinning top
God's friendship is where we win
His grace, love, our only hope and plea.

I watched life, spinning, wobbling
through faith, become a life blooming.
dc riggs © 30 April 2006