"The Story of Hector I Tell"

The story of Hector let me tell
bold, brave,
a klutzy salesman
there was nothing he could sell
cookware, cars
books, he tried them all
he even tried to sell a Church a bell
sad, disappointed
feelings of failure he had not
for on these things he would not dwell
of negative blood
he had none
he was positive in every cell
days of sunshine
days of rain
every day was always swell
then came the day
when Hector fell
down, down
then with a splash
he landed in the bottom of the well
and he was stuck
no hope of rescue in sight
yet he prayed, hoped
and of course, he did yell
but help came not
until the ghost of a squirrel
who died chasing a shell
tickled his side
and Hector flew out of the well
and now has a story
believed by none
but still this story he does tell.
dc riggs  © 5 October 2004

       "Her Bed of Roses"

Was early in the morning of sadness
I lay my love down
on a bed of fine roses
and on her face
was a smile
for peace she had found
after the turmoil
that had wrapped hateful arms
around our land
the greedy
as is their lot
for money or for power
had stripped us bare
to build
their monuments
complete with spire and tower
while we worked the land
feet tired and worn
blisters, cuts
to adorn our hands
now through an act of evil
this curse had come
to me
as her death pierced my heart
and she found peace
her bed of roses
no more to grief to be bound
and me a world of sadness.
dc riggs © 8 October 2004

       "Dance on the Leaves"

Come to me my true love fair
and we will dance
as if
upon the summer air.

Though fall leaves around us fall
our feet will crunch
and obediently
we will answer love's true call.

Feel the wind, its chilly arm
wrapping around you
I will hold you tight
and keep you from cold and harm.

The trees will soon be very bare
as winter comes
never fear
for you will be under my loving care.

See me smile at you, watch me prance
for winter is not yet here
today is not gone
so come with me my love and dance.
dc riggs © 8 October 2004

"Painting Gone Wrong"

My sunset, too strong
too wrong
as frustration
not sadness fills me
yet the fun
for me is never done.

Gentle, gentle soft
as in a loft
of down feathers
this is what should be
so says "me."

This sunset, too bright
not at all right
a good idea sour?
No! No!
not sour yet
thought the paint is set.

The thought, a vision clear
maybe not held dear
but one to paint
still resides
not hard to find
within my heart and mind.
dc riggs © 8 October 2004

         "The Hollow Sound"

There is no greater hollow sound
than the beat
of a heart
in an empty shell
the feeling is a thing hard to tell.

Words, empty words, no feeling
no sense of tomorrow
memories linger
no sense of love's gentle tingling.

A beginning, a place where it ends
the dissolate time
for a man, for a woman
those in search of mates, of friends.

Then one day, unplanned, unknown
love may walk in
heart's door
the loned heart rings
a happy sound, glistens as a gemstone.
dc riggs © 10 October 2004

     "He Was A Mountain Man"

He was a mountain man
half human
half maybe bear
he was the one who said "I Can!"

Beaver traps, winter's cold grip
Indian danger
nature's dangerous trails
unique, faced with a stiff upper lip.

Indian maiden, lover? friend?
in the cold of night
perhaps there, at trail's end.

Civilization? Back in the past
another life, world
nearly forgotten
for this one, as long as it might last.

Mountain tops, with pristine snow
tall trees, swift rivers
valleys of green down below.

Boldly lived, perhaps boldly died
accident or war
let no one ever say
that he ever gave up or never tried.

He among the few, the Mountain Man
human smart, bear tough
socially limited
marked as a man, since time began.
dc riggs © 10 October 2004

   "When Morning Came"

Morning came, I gave her a smile
with lips
and with heart
over coffee
with celebration
for we were not apart
this fine
morning time
when we life could share
talking of this
and that
no cares or worry
makes concern and old hat
there are in life
things that matter
make a real difference
the love of God
a sense of purpose
and the love of a companion
who will be there
and with you
see this life through
so with heart
and lips
with humility, I gave her a smile
dc riggs © 10 October 2004

      "Did I Say I Love You"

Tell me true, Did I say I love you?
before you went
to work today
before you went to play.

Three powerful words
as the power to destroy
yet some treat them as a toy.

Three words, Three syllables
what mark follows?
question? period? exclamation?
or are we stuck with procrastination?

They are soothing words, indeed!
man, woman, child
when the heart is suffering distress
when life is in a gigantic mess.

But love sometimes dies, is gone
no funeral, no notice
usually from neglect, decay
we assume tomorrow based on today.

The words, their direction and flow
heal, energize, inspire
extremely important so I say
did I tell you that I love you today?
dc riggs  © 11 October 2004

    "We Know Life Is Good"

When lovers meet, babies cry
when we stop
and view God's open sky
then we know that life is good.

When work goes smooth as can be
we celebrate life
with a loving family
then we know that life is good.

When torn and worn, in need of prayer
out of luck, forlorn
and God gives someone to care
then we know that life is good.

In the dirt and grime of city streets
in desert's desolate
we find Creation's beauty
then we know that life is good.

My friend, my love, please come
take my heart, my hand
rejoice, don't be glum

We'll still know that life is good.
dc riggs © 11 October 2004

        "In God's World"

What place have I in God's world?
for it is His
not mine
and the world is mighty fine.

Who will stand beside me? love me?
with all my warts
two saplings, grown into one tree.

Religious bonds, faith in shackles
all "do not"
or "this must do"
should raise righteous hackles.

Relationship, God and me, me and God
me and others, others and me
form the Cross
salvation for those shaped from sod.

For God is, beginning, present, end
unifying human hearts
healing the same
for He is true and our truest friend.
dc riggs © 12 October 2004

       "For Tomorrow'

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Dreams
the lover said to her
Sweet Dreams
for sweet you are to me
for your life
I offer my prayerful plea.

Deep Rest, Deep Rest
my love, my dear
deep rest
for tomorrow's stress
comes early
my prayer, a day of non-mess.

Bright Dawn, Bright Dawn
the lover's song
Bright Dawn
bold, not meek
may a sunbeam kiss your cheek.

My Love, My Love
the lover cried
My Love
to wrap around your heart
gently caressing
to give your day a start.
dc riggs © 13 October 2004

"When A Work Day Is Over"

When work day is done
come dear come
sit by me
relax, let us have fun.

Feet were made to walk
for my massage
as I do
we can chat, we can talk.

God made the neck to turn
the head my love
for my hands to rub
relaxing as the scent of a fern.

The back solid yet so fragile
a tension collector
let me help you
for this I need not be agile.

Work day is done my dear
let me hear your tale
the ups, downs
the laugh, the dripping tear.
dc riggs ©  15 October 2004