"For My Friend Bill"

A Northwest Pastor, a Baptist true
but first Jesus' friend
for Christ is his Savior and Lord
bless Bill dear Lord
as he serves under the shadow
of Rainier
knowing always that You are near.

The sick, mind, body, and soul
he cares for, shares with
a ministry not built of brick
mortar or of wood
but of people, one at a time
under the shadow of Rainier
he let's them know that You are near.

When he is low, sick, or in need
who holds his hand?
his loving wife of course
but who will be a pastor to him?
bless him dear Lord
as he lives in the shadow of Rainier
give him Your peace without fear.

With boldness, sureness, confidence
he proclaims and teaches
Your Holy Word
prays with those in need
through him reach all who live
in the shadow of Rainier
give them a laugh, wipe way each tear.
dc riggs © 23 May 2008

For My Friend Bill
Acrylic on wc paper
above 052308  below 061908
           "For Bonnie"

How precious the ability to walk
though we don’t remember
the toddler’s steps
from the days of long, long ago
we were wobbly and slow.

Youth! Run in fun! In Games!
quick was the pace
getting from here to there
never slow
we were always on the go.

Age slows each of us
but it need not anyone to stop
even if we creak
we still have a row to hoe
God has purpose for His children below.

Remember! Jesus said to the paralytic man:
“Get Up and Walk”
and he did
for us He says “Get Up and Go!”
in MY power! be ye fast or be ye slow!
dc riggs  16 June 2008
For Bonnie
acrylic on wc paper w/poem 061908